Filling in the Blanks – Using the Mouse



Word 2003

What I have is a protected form that I would like to use as a Word
presentation to show users where, how and what information is to be used to
populate a particular blank field.

Is there a possible process, through perhaps the use of form fields or
bookmarks, where I can use the mouse to click through and populate a series
of blank fields?

Once the mouse is clicked within a particular blank field a previously saved
string of text would be inserted prior to moving on to the next blank field
and repeating the process throughout the entirety of the form?

With much appreciation in advance for any assistance in this regard, I remain…

Thankfully yours – Rod

Jay Freedman

Word 2003

What I have is a protected form that I would like to use as a Word
presentation to show users where, how and what information is to be used to
populate a particular blank field.

Is there a possible process, through perhaps the use of form fields or
bookmarks, where I can use the mouse to click through and populate a series
of blank fields?

Once the mouse is clicked within a particular blank field a previously saved
string of text would be inserted prior to moving on to the next blank field
and repeating the process throughout the entirety of the form?

With much appreciation in advance for any assistance in this regard, I remain…

Thankfully yours – Rod

Yes, you can rig something like that.

First, install a macro (it can be in the document itself if you don't mind
having to set the macro security level to Medium and clicking the Enable button
in the warning dialog when you open the document). It should be something like

Sub PopulateField()
With Selection.Bookmarks(1).Range.FormFields(1)
Select Case .Name
Case "Text1"
.Result = "George"
Case "Text2"
.Result = "Washington"
Case "Text3"
.Result = "Carver"
Case Else
End Select
End With
End Sub

Change the case names ("Text1", etc.) to match the names of the text fields in
the document. Change the Result lines to the text you want to have inserted in
the specified field.

Now go into the Properties dialog of each form field and set the Entry macro
dropdown to PopulateField.

When you click in a field, the first two lines of the macro grab the name of the
form field that contains the cursor. The corresponding Case executes and fills
in the field content (or Case Else, which does nothing if none of them match).


Hello Jay. As always, thank you so very much for your timely and informative
response to my posted question. As soon as I arrive at my office, I will put
your suggestion to the test and keep you iappropriately nformed of its

However, I find that I have another dilemma with regard to signing into the
Discussion Group at large. It seems that when I receive an e-mail indicating
that I have received a response to a posted question and I click on the
embedded link (read and rate the response) I am taken to a location that
simply refuses to open and leaves me with a blank Web Site page.

I have only been experiencing this situation for perhaps the last several
weeks. Up and until that point. I was able to click on the (read and rate
the response) link and it would take me directly to my posted question and
any accompanying responses from Discussion Group contributors.

Additionally, it seems that the "sign in" icon for the Discussion Group is
missing from the Discussion Group web page - having been replaced with only a
"help" icon. It is only through a thread search or by going to the home page
of the Discussion Group that I am able to make my way to my "postings" and
any responses thereto.

Has something changed with regard to the site? Am I doing something
differently or incorrectly?

Trust me when I tell you that I would be more than appreciative if you could
perhaps shed some light on this situation and/or perhaps point me in the
right direction for resolution. I have come to greatly depend upon the
Discussion Group and the contributors for their immense help and am feeling
much like a "motherless child" these days without the appropriate access.

Thanking you so much in advance for any assistance in this regard, I remain...

Very truly yours - Rod

Suzanne S. Barnhill

A good many problems with the site have been reported. The sign-in problem
is one of them, but I gather that if you click on the button to post a
question or reply, you are then invited to sign in. As for the blank page,
could it be that your browser or firewall is blocking popups, and this is
causing the problem? I'm not very familiar with the Web interface (I post
via NNTP), so I may be totally off base.

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