File sharing .zip files on a XP professional workgroup



We have a small workgroup network at work here and everyone is on windows XP
professional. When file sharing two dell computers won't share .zip files.
In other words, I can backup shared folders over the network fine except our
two Dell machines won't allow the .zip files to be copied over the network.
I have tried sharing and unsharing the folders etc. with no luck. It seems
strange that I only have problems with the .zip files.


We have a small workgroup network at work here and everyone is on windows XP
professional. When file sharing two dell computers won't share .zip files.
In other words, I can backup shared folders over the network fine except our
two Dell machines won't allow the .zip files to be copied over the network.
I have tried sharing and unsharing the folders etc. with no luck. It seems
strange that I only have problems with the .zip files.

Are these .zip files in multiple folders, all of which you are having problems?
This reminds me of a server access consistency problem:

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