File name Save


Elton Law

Dear Expert,
A1 has a text "Performance2009_"
A2 has a formula =Today()
A3 is day(A2) = 11 (in this case)
A3 is month(A2) = 4 (in this case)
A3 is year(A2) = 2009 (in this case)
How can I use concatenate function to make up to "Performance2009_11042009"
please ?
Second question is ....
Say B1 can successfully make up to "Performace2009_11042009" ....
How can I use marco (VB) to save the file name same as cell B1 (ie
Performace2009_11042009) ?
Thanks in advance

Dave Peterson

If you're going to use the current date, you don't need to use cells on the

Dim myFileName as string
with worksheets("SomeSheetnamehere")
myfilename = .range("a1").value & format(date, "mmddyyyy") & ".xls"
.parent.saveas filename:="C:\somepathhere\" & myfilename, _
end with

You could concatentate cells, too:
myfilename = .range("a1").value & _
format(.range("a2").value, "mmddyyyy") & ".xls"


myfilename = .range("a1").value & format(.range("a3").value, "00") _
& format(.range("a4").value, "00") _
& format(.range("a5").value, "0000") & ".xls"

(I figured you meant a3:A5.)


I'd use the date in yyyymmdd order. So I can sort the names in windows explorer
in chronological order more easily.

pps. All untested, uncompile. Watch for typos.


In A6 enter the following formula

Press <Alt<F11>
Click on Insert, Module
Enter the following code
Sub FileSaver()
Dim vName as variant
vName = Range("A6")
Activeworkbook.saveas (vName)
End Sub

to run the macro, either link to a button, or simply press <Alt><F8>, select
FileSaver and click on Run.



Replace xxx with hotmail

Elton Law

I have corrected A3 to A5.

A1 has a text "Performance2009_"
A2 has a formula =Today()
A3 is day(A2) = 11 (in this case)
A4 is month(A2) = 4 (in this case)
A5 is year(A2) = 2009 (in this case)

I used Concatenate or =A1&A2&A3&A4&A5
But it comes up with Performance2009_1142009 rather than
There is a 0 missing in month field.
Then How to ?
Save part is "work" for Kassie

Dave Peterson

Why bother with the extra cells. Just use VBA's Date function.


But if you look at those earlier suggestions, there are easier ways.

I don't understand this portion:

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