File format problems with JS-Files in Visual Studio?




I´ve a strange problem with some JS-Files I´ve downloaded from

I´m including the JS-Files with the ClientScript manager:

ClientScriptManager man = Page.ClientScript;

// render the yui-ext scripts
man.RegisterClientScriptResource(typeof(All), "ExtJS.ext-


while Base and All are two Wrapper-Classes which look like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

#region Assembly Resource Attribute
[assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("ExtJS.adapter.ext.basetest.js",
"text/javascript", PerformSubstitution=true)]

namespace etask.Core.Controls.ExtJS.adapter.ext
class Base


The code itself seems to work fine, because I do not get any error
message like "file not found".

But my problem is, that the JS-Files seem to be empty. I also used
firefox and the firebug plugin to debug my application and the firebug
plugin also shows empty files (see:

I had this problem once in the past and played a bit around with
renaming the js file, creating a new one, copying the content and so
on and so on... And I cannot reconstruct how, but from one minute to
another my coded worked. Now I am having this problem again.

I am not sure, but I guess that there is maybe a problem/ bug with the
JavaScript-Filehandling of Visual Studio.
Could this be true? Maybe something with the Encoding?

Did anybody ever had this problem before?


Nikolay Podkolzin

Which versio of Visual Studio are you using?

Visual Studio 2008 no longer support J#

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