field help



I have a form that is based on a table with scores for people. These people
have requirements that if they are a supervisor and get a score of <.80
percent they are unsat and they need to schedule them for some trianing. If
they are a regular employee and get <.75 percent they are also unsat and need
to be scheduled for training.

Once the scores are put in there needs to be a pop up box ( I can do this)
but figuring out how to make this box prompt if the scores are below I need
help with that.

Thank you


Hi Judy

I take it you have either a field that says something like supervisor or
regular employee or another method of telling what they are.

If so you could use something like

Sub Form_Current()
If Me.FieldName ="supervisor" And Me.ScoreField < .80 Then
MsgBox "Some Message", vbOKOnly, "supervisor training ?"
End If
If Me.FieldName ="regular employee" And Me.ScoreField < .75 Then
MsgBox "Some Other Message", vbOKOnly, "regular employee training ?"
End If
End Sub

I have put this in the form's current event as you may want to tab between

You will need to alter FieldName to what it is on your form. (This is
the field where the employee type is shown)

You will also need to alter ScoreField to what it is on your form. (this
is th field where the score is shown)

Hope this helps

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