I am trying to install Windows XP on my custom desktop, but always got a
Fatal Error as below.
"SXS.DLL:Syntax error in manifest or policy file
"D:\I386\asms\10\msft\windows\gdiplus\gdiplus.man" on line 4.
Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms. Error Message : A Component's file does
not match the verification information presentin the component manifest.
Fatal Error:
One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be
I have tried many times, and always got the same error. Anyone can help me
on it? Thanks in advance.
I am trying to install Windows XP on my custom desktop, but always got a
Fatal Error as below.
"SXS.DLL:Syntax error in manifest or policy file
"D:\I386\asms\10\msft\windows\gdiplus\gdiplus.man" on line 4.
Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms. Error Message : A Component's file does
not match the verification information presentin the component manifest.
Fatal Error:
One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be
I have tried many times, and always got the same error. Anyone can help me
on it? Thanks in advance.