Extracting the month that a date refers to in another cell



In cell A1 I have the date 3/15/2003 (no formatting).
In cell B1 I have the formula =year(A1). The year shows correctly as 2003.
In cell C1 I have the formula =text(weekday(A1),"ddd"). The text shows as
"Sat" which is correct.
In cell D1 I have the formula =month(A1) which correctly shows '3'. I
attempted to use =text(month(A1),"mmm") in cell D1, but it shows as "Jan".
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

TIA, Alan

Aladin Akyurek

=TEXT(A1,"mmm") for 3-letter month name and
=TEXT(A1,"ddd") for 3-letter day name.

where A1 houses a true date.

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