Export is 'formatting' text fields


Mark Parent

I've used a Make Table Query to produce fields that I
want to export, and have formatted some numeric fields
into text fields in the resulting table. When I export
from the resulting table to a .txt file, a text field in
the table with values like "bbbb63" ('b' represents
blank) is converted to "63.00 " in the .txt file. Does
anyone know why ?

Btw, during the export, the sample output displayed looks
correct, but the resulting text file doesn't match.

John Nurick

Hi Mark,

When exporting numeric fields, Access assumes that you want to export
the numbers and mostly ignores any formatting you've put on the fields.
If you want to export numbers as text in a particular format, use
calculated fields in a query to format them (typically with the Format()
function) and export the query.

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