Explorer.exe failed to start - SHDOC.dll not found?



I think my sister is ready to kill me. I was trying to
play a couple of old funny video clips on her computer
that are star wars paradoies of the Cops TV Show. The
computer locked up, so I restarted -- but when it came
back up and I tried to log on under her name (it's Windows
XP and she's the only user on her computer), I got an
error message that says, "Explorer.exe - Unable to Locate
Component: Explorer.exe has failed to start because
SHDOCVW.dll was not found". I can't do much of anything
without explorer -- all I can get into is the task
manager, but I don't know what to do. Can someone please
help me before she ties a noose around my neck? If it
means anything, she has a fairly new Dell. I appreciate
any help :).

Thorsten Matzner

Nicholas said:
I think my sister is ready to kill me. I was trying to
play a couple of old funny video clips on her computer
that are star wars paradoies of the Cops TV Show. The
computer locked up, so I restarted -- but when it came
back up and I tried to log on under her name (it's Windows
XP and she's the only user on her computer), I got an
error message that says, "Explorer.exe - Unable to Locate
Component: Explorer.exe has failed to start because
SHDOCVW.dll was not found". I can't do much of anything
without explorer -- all I can get into is the task
manager, but I don't know what to do. Can someone please
help me before she ties a noose around my neck? If it
means anything, she has a fairly new Dell.

Run MSCONFIG.EXE from the Task Manager ("New Task") and expand a
fresh copy of the DLL file from the Windows-CD.

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