explorer.exe error on startup



Whenever I start my computer and windows begins to load,
I get the following error.

explorer.exe has generated errors and will be closed by
Windows. You will need to restart the program.

An error log is being created.

Once this error comes up nothing else will happen. My
desktop does not appear and I just have a blank
background. I can push cntl, alt, delete and get the
task menu, but beyond that I can do nothing.

Please help.


-----Original Message-----
Whenever I start my computer and windows begins to load,
I get the following error.

explorer.exe has generated errors and will be closed by
Windows. You will need to restart the program.

An error log is being created.

Once this error comes up nothing else will happen. My
desktop does not appear and I just have a blank
background. I can push cntl, alt, delete and get the
task menu, but beyond that I can do nothing.

Please help.
If you have a roaming profile, get admin to recreate
profile on server, usually problem in roaming profiles

if not, run a virus scanning tool, might fix

if that does not work, reinstall windows


I have tried logging on as admin and i get the same
error. Any other suggestions.


George Hester

Return Internet Explorer to a prior version. Done through Add\Remove find Internet Explorer there.


I can't even get into windows. AFter the error pops up
it does not load my desktop. I even tried safe mode.
Any other suggestions


-----Original Message-----
Return Internet Explorer to a prior version. Done
through Add\Remove find Internet Explorer there.

George Hester

I'd reload the operating system anew. If there is data you want to save go get a new harddrive and then put an op sys on that and transfer the data off the old harrdrive.

Head Hunter

Maybe the file got corrupted somehow. Can you boot into Safe Mode Command
Prompt? If so, try copying the file from someone elses drive onto a floppy,
then copying the file into your WINNT folder.

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