Explorer can not open web pages



All of a sudden my web browser will not open any web
pages. I can get an internet connect and ping sites, I
can also open up a VPN to my corporte network, but I can
not browse web pages. I have run spybot and ad-ware and
cwshredder, all of which found problems they have fixed
but I still have still problem.
I am now at the limit of my knowledge, can anyone please
Thank you


I have the same problem. When it first happened, I did a
system restore, but several days later in happened again.
I tried the suggested ipconfig \flushdns in DOS, but it
didn't seem to help.
This is very frustrating, isn't it?


Well what happens when using IE?
Have you tried clearing cache and history?

Since you had problems, it's possible that
an important IE component is damaged,
so you may need to repair or reinstall IE.

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