Excel - Hide Column/s or Change Font color Only for printing



Hi all,

Desperately need help on this....you'd think other people would have
the same problem and it'd be easy to find, but all you get is hide and
unhide column. This is too slow for me.

For an Invoicing system i need to hide prices that the salesman can
look at on screen, but not be shown when printed. If hiding and
unhiding columns or changing fonts whenever an order is made, i'm sure
mistakes will happen.

So all i need is something that will hide or change the colour of
certain cells or a column/s when the print button is
clicked...simple.... ;¬)

Any help much appreciated.

please, please please and pretty please


Check out "Custom Views" in the Help files.

Sounds like that's just what you're looking for.

Each view can have it's own, separate print range. plus hide columns and
rows automatically as each view is invoked.

Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!


Assuming that your secret columns are F & G, you've already set up your
print area and other print settings, and that you want to unhide after
printing ...

Put a button on the sheet labelled "Print"
Assign the following macro to the button

Sub HideAndPrint()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Columns("F:G").Hidden = True
ActiveSheet.PrintOut Copies:=1
Columns("F:G").Hidden = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Click the print button to print.


message |
| Hi all,
| Desperately need help on this....you'd think other people would have
| the same problem and it'd be easy to find, but all you get is hide and
| unhide column. This is too slow for me.
| For an Invoicing system i need to hide prices that the salesman can
| look at on screen, but not be shown when printed. If hiding and
| unhiding columns or changing fonts whenever an order is made, i'm sure
| mistakes will happen.
| So all i need is something that will hide or change the colour of
| certain cells or a column/s when the print button is
| clicked...simple.... ;¬)
| Any help much appreciated.
| please, please please and pretty please
| --
| chris100
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| chris100's Profile:
| View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?threadid=386633


Thanks for the help. I like ScottO's method a bit more. Just on
question....considering that i'm not a programmer.

How do you adapt the script when the columns are not next to eac
other. e,g "B" and "D" without covering "C".



Thanks very much ScottO, Ragdyer and Mangesh.

The Macro works great - very handy for this type of thing.



The one advantage "Custom Views" has over code,
For non-programmers like you and me ... revisions ... minor and/or major,
are more easily attainable.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit !

Thanks very much ScottO, Ragdyer and Mangesh.

The Macro works great - very handy for this type of thing.


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