Excel 95 Dialog -> Excel 2000 Userform


Ralf Pfeifer

Dear all,

surely there are some of you, who remember, that in Excel 95 the
forms were stored in their own sheet type, together with worksheets,
charts and modules.

Now I have to convert such a file with 12 really complete dialogs
to Excel 2000 user forms. Regarding this, I would appreciate your
help with two questions:

1. Is there a way, to convert the old XL95 dialogs automatically in
XL-2000 user forms? I know, I have to change the code too, but
each dialog includes a lot of pre-settings and they are in proper
I have already tried the clipboard and dragging with the mouse.

2. The dialog sheets from XL 95 (is it the forms library 2.0?) are
supported by Office 2000. What's about Office XP, Office 2003?
Is there a roadmap by Microsoft for the end of support of the
old dialogs?

Thanks in advance, Ralf.

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