Excel 2003 lookup help



Heres the problem;
On one spreedsheet, i have a Certificate of Analysis final for a product,
and on other spreed sheet i have all the codes for these products and i have
all the information i need on the latter sheet. I want to be able to simply
type a product code into the 1st sheet, and have the information I need to
auto fill. I have tryed many times to make this work, but with no success.
Help please??

Damien McBain

You can do this without VBA

Name the range where all the data exists (I'm gonna call it "CertData
Name the range (cell) where you want to type the product code (I'm gonna
call it "ProdCode")
Make the formula in the data fialds on the certificate like:
=Vlookup(ProdCode,CertData,2 False)
Where "2" is the column in the data containing the value you want.

Easy huh?

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