EventID 2019


Joshua Sparks

Any experts out there? How accurate is this information:

If your system hangs and the System event log contains:

Event ID: 2019
Description: The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool
because the pool was empty

it may be that an application or service is using a COM port and Serial.sys
is allocating memory that it does not release, due to IRQ sharing on COM
port devices.


courtesy of


Keith P. Rutledge [MSFT]


You may have a driver or process that is taken nonpaged pool memory and not
releasing that memory after it finishes executing its thread.

You will need to use performance monitor to create a log and capture the
available bytes, and nonpaged pool bytes to determine if this is true.

Best Regards,

Keith Rutledge, MCSE NT4/2000
Microsoft Online Support Engineer
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security

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Joshua Sparks

I'm willing to try this because I get this error quite often. It also will
sometimes result in a system crash. So, tell me how I go about doing what
you suggest.

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