Event ID 45



I have beening receiving Event ID 45 on my webserver
running W2K SP4 with all the pathces sitting on the DMZ.
It is a standalone and has SSL installed on it. The
message stated: The server certificate for instance '1'
has expired or not yet valid. I tried searching for this
error but could not come up with any explanation.


The SSL certificate used by a W3SVC instance is not valid for today's date.
This means that the SSL certificate expired. This can also happen if say
another computer generated the certificate at 1:00 PM and it was installed
on another computer who's time is before 1:00 PM, i.e. 12:55. Therefore the
certificate is not yet valid. A certificate for a website on your server is
expired. The server certificate for instance "(instance #)" has expired or
is not yet valid. To find the instance that is causing this error go to the
Internet Information Services MMC snap-in and look at the properties of each
of your websites and look at your logging properties to see the instance #
in the log extended properties.

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