Event Handler for Folder Selected



I found event handlers for regular outlook items, but how do I insert
an event handler for other folders?

I have 2 buttons on a custom toolbar, and several application specific
folders. I need to enable or disable the toolbar buttons depending on
which folder the user selects.


Ok, I have an event handler working, but now I am trying to figure out
how to enable/disable toolbar buttons on the fly.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You would need a method to access the CommandBarButton objects that are your
buttons and set their Enabled property True or False as warranted by the
current state.


I created access to the button objects when they are created.
They're not null, but when setting the Enabled property to true, the
buttons remain
grayed out.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Are you getting a valid button object? Is the Enabled property returning an

I've found that especially in WordMail that even if a button object is a
valid object that most of its properties and methods aren't valid even in
the button Click event handler. In those cases I have to actually
reinstantiate the button object using FindControl and then I can set
properties such as Picture and Mask and set visibility and enabled.


The return from the button.Enabled = true is true and button.Enabled =
false is false;

I will try using FindControl instead.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Sure it's the right button in the right Inspector or Explorer?

In my wrapper classes for Inspectors or Explorers I can set Enabled and
Visible true or false based on business logic conditions and it works.

The only time I have to re-instantiate the button objects are in WordMail

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