error running macro from Ribbon button




I've developed an application in v. 2007 that utilizes a lengthy
wizard and runs without error when I run it directly from my VBE.
Before I figured out Ribbons, I tried running it from a custom menu
and it worked. Now I've created my custom tab, groups, buttons... on
my ribbon, and it looks the way I want it. But when I try to run my
macro from the custom button on the ribbon I get the following error:
"Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment."

I set the "OnAction" in the XML to the name of the subprocedure I want
it to run.

OK, I have tried everything. I've created a sub called
"ExpenseHelp". The only thing in the sub is a msgbox "running
program". I saved and closed it. In the Custom UI Editor I opened
the macro-enabled file. I selected Microsoft's Sample "Custom Tab",
and only changed the button's OnAction to "ExpenseHelp" and button
label to "Expense Help". I verified it, saved it, opened the file in
Excel. I see the custom tab and button. When I select the button, I
get the same error! I've also tried saving it as an add-in, same
thing. Am I somehow calling the macro incorrectly, or have it in the
wrong location, or is there an update to Ribbonx I need?

<customUI xmlns="
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab id="customTab" label="Custom Tab">
<group id="customGroup" label="Custom Group">
<button id="customButton" label="Expense Help"
imageMso="HappyFace" size="large" onAction="ExpenseHelp" />

Excel file:
sub ExpenseHelp()
msgbox "running program"
end sub

help... please


Ron de Bruin

Hi debbie

When you are in the UI editor click on the generate callbacks button.

Looks like this then

Sub ExpenseHelp(control as IRibbonControl)
End Sub

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