Error message and desktop will not display




I was chatting on Windows Live Messenger and it kept disconnecting me. I
shut down my computer and when it was turned back on my desktop now has a
black screen and whenever I go to use windows explorer I get an error message

Location is not available

C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop is not accessible.

Access is denied

I performed a complete scan using AVG 8.0 and I got this back

"C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\adqgwo89.SYS";"Hidden driver";"Object is hidden"

I have tried searching on Google however there is nothing on the internet
about this :-(

Please if someone knows anything about this it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks, Jamie

Martin Connolly

The name is probably randon, so searching for it won't find anything

It's likely to be a virus running as a non-PNP device driver. Go to Control
Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager.

In the View Menu, select 'show hidden devices', then expand the non-Plug and
Play drivers section.

See if you can find it listed here. If, so, right click it and select
'uninstall', then reboot.


Jamie said:

I was chatting on Windows Live Messenger and it kept disconnecting me. I
shut down my computer and when it was turned back on my desktop now has a
black screen and whenever I go to use windows explorer I get an error
message saying:

Location is not available

C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop is not accessible.

Access is denied

I performed a complete scan using AVG 8.0 and I got this back

"C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\adqgwo89.SYS";"Hidden driver";"Object is

I have tried searching on Google however there is nothing on the internet
about this :-(

Go through these general malware removal steps systematically -

Include scanning with David Lipman's Multi_AV and follow instructions to do
all scans in Safe Mode. Please see the special Notes regarding using
Multi_AV in Vista. - instructions - download link and more instructions

When all else fails, get guided help. Choose one of the specialty forums
listed at the first link. Register and read its posting FAQ. PLEASE DO NOT

If you can't do the work yourself (and there is no shame in admitting this
isn't your cup of tea), take the machine to a professional computer repair
shop (not your local equivalent of BigComputerStore/GeekSquad). Please be
aware that not all local shops are skilled at removing malware and even if
they are, your computer may be so infested that Windows will need to be
clean-installed. If possible, have all your data backed up before you take
the machine into a shop.




Id like to thank you both for your posts. It could not find it in the
non-Plug and Play devices, however I have managed to solve the problem by
taking all the stuff I wanted and formatting my hard drive and starting a
fresh. Have a brand new gaming computer coming in the next week or so, so
this laptop isn't that important anymore. Cheers for your support and the
links to the anti-malware software. Good stuff

Many thanks, Jamie

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