Error in hidden module - AutoExecNow



This message comes up when I open Excel (2003). I can ignore it and it does not seem to affect anything. This is what MS Help say

A protected module can't be displayed. This error has the following cause and solution:

There is a compilation error in the code of the specified module, but it can't be displayed because the project is protected.
Unprotect the project, and then run the code again to view the error.

For additional information, select the item in question and press F1(in Windows) or HELP (on the Macintosh)

When I click on any of the links on the help page for explaination I get an internet explorer script error. I can not find any AutoExecNow file on the computer and I have no idea what the project is. Is this something I can ignore or is it going to crash my computer on April 1st

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