EOF indicator from .txt importing into Access2003 tables



I am importing a Monarch created .txt file into Access2003. The table is now
showing the EOF indicator, whereas in Access97 it did not. We have just
converted to Access2003. How do I turn off or get rid of this indicator? It
is now popping up in alot of my databases.

John Nurick

Hi Nancy,

The last time someone asked this question there was a lot of confusion
about what they meant by "EOF indicator". Please explain exactly what
you mean by it, and someone will be able to help get rid of it.


What I am calling a EOF indicator or end of file indicator is a character, or
a square zero, sometime it is a carriage return indicator. It is being
placed on the next line at the end of the .txt file.

John Nurick

Here's a VBScript that will probably fix it. Paste it into an empty text
file and save it as "FixEOF.vbs". You can

-use it from the command line, e.g.
Cscript "C:\Folder\FixEOF.vbs" "C:\Other folder\My text file.txt"

-drag a text file from Windows Explorer and drop it onto the FixEOF.vbs
icon in a folder (or put a shortcut on your desktop and drag and drop to

-modify the code to use as a procedure in your Access VBA code.

John Nurick

(forgot to paste the code in the first time!)

Here's a VBScript that will probably fix it. Paste it into an empty text
file and save it as "FixEOF.vbs". You can

-use it from the command line, e.g.
Cscript "C:\Folder\FixEOF.vbs" "C:\Other folder\My text file.txt"

-drag a text file from Windows Explorer and drop it onto the FixEOF.vbs
icon in a folder (or put a shortcut on your desktop and drag and drop to

-modify the code to use as a procedure in your Access VBA code.

'-----------START OF CODE------------------
Option Explicit
'If a text file ends with ctrl-Z or ctrl-D, drop it.
'If the result ends with a blank line, dump the line.
'Ctrl-Z: DOS EOF marker
'Ctrl-D: PostScript EOF marker

Const BAK_EXT = ".bak"
Dim fso 'FileSystemObject
Dim fF 'File
Dim fIn, fOut 'Textstreams
Dim strLine 'String
Dim blNotFirstLine 'Boolean

If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fF = fso.GetFile(WScript.Arguments(0))

'If backup file aready exists, delete it
If fso.FileExists(fF.Path & BAK_EXT) Then
fso.DeleteFile fF.Path & BAK_EXT
End If

fF.Name = fF.Name & BAK_EXT
Set fIn = fF.OpenAsTextStream(1) 'ForReading
Set fOut = fso.CreateTextFile(WScript.Arguments(0))

strLine = ""
blNotFirstLine = 0

Do Until fIn.AtEndOfStream 'Read line by line
If blNotFirstLine Then
fOut.WriteLine strLine
End If
blNotFirstLine = -1
strLine = fIn.ReadLine

'We now have the last line of the file in strLine
Select Case Right(strLine, 1)
Case Chr(4), Chr(26) 'ctrl-D, ctrl-Z
strLine = Left(strLine, Len(strLine) - 1)
End Select
If Len(strLine) > 0 Then
fOut.WriteLine strLine
'this leaves a CrLf at the end of the file.
'to omit it, change WriteLine to Write.
End If

'Tidy up
MsgBox "This script removes EOF marker from a text file. " _
& vbcrlf & "Drag a file onto the icon to process it, or use the" _
& vbcrlf & "command line. " & vbcrlf _
& vbcrlf & "Original file will be renamed with " _
& ".bak extension", 0, "FixEOF.VBS"
End If

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