Encountering 255-char limit exporting contacts



Say, I want to put a few hundred professional colleagues into a contact list,
use Word to mailmerge a personalized letter, and THEN append to the Notes
record of every contact documentation of havng communicated with them.

1) I thought I would do this by exporting the contacts from the folder as
CSV's, but when I view in Excel, it limits them to 255 characters. Is there
a way around this?

2) Are there any other solutions which might let me append to these notes
fields automatically?

Thanks in advance for a prompt reply!

-- Paul

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

1 - I think that's an OS limitation so there's no workaround
2 - Not sure


Other MVP input, please? I respectfully doubt this is a system limitation, as

(a) CSV files can accomodate a large finite number of characters between
commas, and

(b) the Notes field record clearly accomodates more than 255 characters,
perhaps 4096?

Again, Thanks,

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

I'm sorry... I misread your issue and thought the 255 was referring to file
names (which have a limit). I'll dig in a bit more.

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