Enable screensaver with password protection immediately?



Is it possible to start one of the Windows screensavers from a shortcut and
have it automatically ask for a password when it's turned off.

My screensaver is set to automatically come on at 30 minute (Can't make it
less) and ask for a password when disturbed. I would like a shortcut on my
desktop that will automatically start the 3D Text screensaver and lock the
workstation so I can have an automated message whenever I walk away
from the PC.


Steve Shattuck

CarSeeker said:
Is it possible to start one of the Windows screensavers from a shortcut and
have it automatically ask for a password when it's turned off.

Fairly simple. Create a shortcut with a target of "\path\screensavername.scr /s" Make sure the screen saver you use as a target is set to require a password. Then, assign a shortcut key and you can activate the screen saver from the keyboard as well.


Try pressing the "windows and L" keys at the same time.
-----Original Message-----
turned off.

Fairly simple. Create a shortcut with a target
of "\path\screensavername.scr /s" Make sure the screen
saver you use as a target is set to require a password.
Then, assign a shortcut key and you can activate the
screen saver from the keyboard as well.


windows + L will "Lock" the system - not the same as bringing up the
screen saver, but functionally the same.

if you have a keyboard w/ special keys then the keyboard driver
(intelitype if microsoft, or something else if Logitec) _MAY_ have the
ability to reassign one of those keys to activate the screen saver.
[intelitype 4 did offer this, version 5 seems to have removed it].
check in control panel | keyboard.

Also, tweakUI has a section that allows you to customize the command
associated with special keys, it too _MAY_ permit you to assign "activate
screensaver", I'm not positive.

Also, some macro utilities will let you assign a hot-key to "activate
screen saver".

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