Enable & Disable Network Connections Via Command Line?



Is there a way to enable and disable network connections via command
line? When my laptop running Windows XP Home comes out of
hibernation, the wireless connection says it is enabled, but it
doesn't work until I disable and re-enable it.

I would like to use the freeware MacroMaker to create a macro which
will disable the wireless connection then enable it. The macro would
be more reliable if I can create it from keystrokes rather than mouse
movements, so I'm looking for commands.


Richard G. Harper

Have you tried not letting the wireless adapter go into standby mode? Open
up Device Manager, open the properties for your adapter, and on the Power
tab un-check the option to let Windows power down the device.


It looks like it already is: under adapter properties, Advanced tab,
Power Save Mode property value = Off (as opposed to Maximum or

Thanks anyway,

Richard G. Harper said:
Have you tried not letting the wireless adapter go into standby mode? Open
up Device Manager, open the properties for your adapter, and on the Power
tab un-check the option to let Windows power down the device.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Win9x] (e-mail address removed)
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Teffy said:
Is there a way to enable and disable network connections via command
line? When my laptop running Windows XP Home comes out of
hibernation, the wireless connection says it is enabled, but it
doesn't work until I disable and re-enable it.

I would like to use the freeware MacroMaker to create a macro which
will disable the wireless connection then enable it. The macro would
be more reliable if I can create it from keystrokes rather than mouse
movements, so I'm looking for commands.



Very cool! At the command prompt,

devcon enable <adapter specification>

does the trick! Now, I just need to get the commands to work in a
macro. Thanks a bunch!!!


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