Employee schedule: I want it to calculate time entered such as 11.



I would like to enter the in and out times for each employee on my schedule
spreadsheet in normal format (e.g. 11:00pm - 7:00am) and have it calculate
how many hours the emploee worked. Everything works well until I have an
employee who works the night shift. The subtraction of 11pm to 7am gives me
a negative and incorrect anser. How can I achieve this and still use normal
format times as above?



If you put the date (time in) in column A for example, and the time in 9:00
PM in column B, then in Column C, you can input the forula =A1+B1 (formatted
for date and time).

Then do the same thing for time out in a few more columns. Use the complete
data (date and time) cells for subtraction and you won't get the error. You
can always hide the cells holding the redundant data if they get in the way.

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