HI Glen, Thanks for your post. Yes - when I double click on the embedded
powerpoint, it automatically opens up in slide show mode. I have to back out
of it and then right click to go into edit mode to be able to see normally
and to be able to update. Also, it seems that whatever I did to make that
happen has contaminated all of the other ones I had embedded and also turned
them into slide show version as well. ( I had about 30 fiiles embedded in a
table - powerpoint, word and other excel files)
I thought there might be a hidden addition to the file name so I imported
the file again as a ppt file with quotes around it (as per the help site) but
when I clicked on it again, it still went into slideshow mode.
Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
I am tearing my hair out as this has already cost me a days worth of work on
a 7gb toolkit I was putting together.