Email Options



I have yet to find any explanation to this issue -- I am using Windows XP Pro
and Outlook 2003. I have used MS operating systems and email clients for
several years. I have always been able to utilize the blind carbon copy
option in my MS email programs, but ever since I've moved to WinXP Pro and
Outlook 2003 - although the CC and BCC fields show up they are 'grayed out'
and not available for me to use. I have reviewed every possible option and
can find no explanation. I am not looking for someone to show me how to use
this feature. I know how to use it, but my program is simply not allowing me
to use it. Incredibly frustrating. Can someone please help? Thank you in

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Are you connecting to an Exchange server or are you a standalone user? I
was just wondering if perhaps an Exchange administrator had blocked access
to those functions for some reason.

If that's not the problem, have you tried either creating a new mail profile
or running Detect and Repair on your Office 2003 installation?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Exactly where is this grayed out? You shoujld be able to click the To button
on a message and add not just To recipients, but also CC and Bcc.


Thank you both for the replies - it is grayed out when I click on the To
button and it is not part of my normal original message header -- that is BCC
isn't. CC is on the original header but both CC and BCC are grayed out when
I click on To -

I haven't tried the detect and repair - is that just under options? I
already have two mail profiles, one for personal and one for work (which does
go through an exchange server) but I do not have any blocked access. In fact
I use the same exchange server from two computers and have full capabilities
(including BCC) from the one at my office. Could that be part of the

Thanks again!

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Do you mean that in the Select Names dialog that appears when you click the
To button, both Cc and Bcc are grayed out?

Bcc will not be part of your normal message header unless you are using the
built-in Outlook editor, not Wordmail, and choose View | Bcc.

Detect and Repair is under Help. I'd suggest you try it.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Yes, both CC and BCC are grayed out when I open the Select Names dialog
window when I click on 'To' -- I will try the Detect and Repair tonight and
let you know --- thank you!!


Okay, I did Detect and Repair and it has unfortunately had no effect. When I
click on To and the Select Names window opens, both CC and BCC are grayed
out. Furthermore, if I click on Advanced Options and Send Options I get a
window that says Per-recipient Send Options cannot be set. I guess this is
the issue, but why would this be happening? I am confused -- thank you in
advance again. I sincerely appreciate all your help!!

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

The Advanced Options and Send Options dialogs are irrelevant to your issue.

Does this problem occur with all messages and even in a new mail profile? I
can't think of any cause, so we need to get as much information as possible
on your environment.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Yes I have this issue with every message, and in every profile - in three out
of four in fact. Any other thoughts?

Thanks again! :)

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Three out of four <> every.

Maybe there's something about the profile that doesn't have the problem. I'd
make a copy of it and see if the copy works, then modify it to make it my
main profile, since there's no obvious cause for the symptoms you've

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


I use two licenses for WinXP Pro and Office/Outlook 2003 - the one on my
office computer is fine, the other one on my home office computer is the
issue - I have three separate Outlook Profiles for this single license and
not a single one allows the use of CC/BCC. I just wanted to clarify this
further as the only working profile is on a different license. Anyway, if
you have any other suggestions please let me know. I think I've checked them
all but are there any other settings I should check out?

Thanks again!

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