email hyperlinks don't work.



When I clicked an email link this morning, instead of
launching IE6, a link browser box popped up asking me
what executable I wanted to use to launch the link.
I chose IExplore.exe, but that brings up an "outbind://2-
00..." page cannot be displayed

It is claimed that if I hold the shift key and click a
hyperlink, it will force the link browser box to pop up
again - it won't.
It is claimed that turning off DDE could fix this, but
DDE apparently doesn't turn off. Each time I double-
check, it's still on, so my changes are ignored. (I am
admin on my PC.)
One of the "fixes" is to uninstall Netscape. I never had
Netscape, nor have I had any other browser except for IE.
It is also suggested that I upgrade to Windows XP, but
this computer was built fresh as XP.
I upgraded Office XP to Office 2003 Pro and it has been
working fine for months.
No Windows or Office updates or any other update or
install since the last time I used Outlook.

I have already tried the following to no avail:
262496 OL2000: "Locate Link Browser" Message When You
Click a MailTo Link

329912 OL2000: Problems When You Click a Hyperlink in
Outlook 2000

821692 The Locate Link Browser Dialog Box Appears When
You Open a Web Link

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