E-mail sheet as a word document



I have a excel programme that automatically e-mails a form on a worksheet,
(on pressing a command button) to different adresses. Is there a way of send
this form as a word document?
This sheet also has macros, would I have to be cancelled it first?


To do that, you would first have to convert the spreadsheet to a work
document. You do that by opening Word, doing a File/Open/change file types
to either all files, or excel sheets, then open the spreadsheet. Word
changes the sheet into table format. The macros would not convert.
Unless you know what you are doing, it's hard to condense that into a button.


Thank you for your answer. At the moment I have the excel sheet attached to a
e-mail as a xlread only. The problem I have when it reaches it`s destination,
when the attachement is opened it still ask to enable or disable macro.
Is it possible, to add to my code, to cancel macro before the sheet is

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