During VBA waiting for Message box answer problem


Trev B


Thanks in advance

During vba I open a msgbox which shows user the answers to be updated in
another workbook. The user must check these answers on the current worksheet
before the user agrees to the update.

My problem is that the user can't scroll up & down the worksheet until the
question is answer.

How do I help them look at the rest of the sheet and not just what is shown
when the code started?


Trev B

Dave Peterson

Replace the msgbox with a userform.
Then show the userform modelessly.

Option Explicit
Sub ShowTheForm()
Userform1.show vbmodeless
End sub

Trev B

Thanks works a dream
Trev B

Dave Peterson said:
Replace the msgbox with a userform.
Then show the userform modelessly.

Option Explicit
Sub ShowTheForm()
Userform1.show vbmodeless
End sub

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