Duplex printing; print specified section

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter Grainger
  • Start date Start date

Peter Grainger

I have document with multiple sections which is to be printed on both sides
of the paper (duplex). The document is set to start a new section on an ODD

The printer is set to 2 sided printing (duplex).

Print preview shows the document correctly with the appropriate "blank"
pages at the end of sections and new sections starting on an odd page.

When I print a specific section, eg s2, then the document will always start
printing on the reverse side of the first sheet of paper, in other words on
the "even" page.

I would appreciate any advice.
Did you also select "Different odd and even" and/or "Mirror margins" in the
Page Setup dialog box? At least one of these options is required for Word to
duplex correctly.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...
Thank you Stefan

I have now tried "Different odd and even" and "Mirror margins", both
separately and in combination, but the result was still the same.

I have thrown "Different first page" into the mix but it made no difference.
And you are sure that the "Section start" is set to "Odd page" for each
section? Look in the Page Setup dialog box, Layout tab. If that doesn't work,
see if your printer driver (in Control Panel) has a setting that could be
relevant in this context.
I have confirmed that the sections are set to start on the "Odd page" for
each section. There is nothing which is apparent in the printer set up.
I have also tried different types of printers on different client sites and
still get the same result. At least the problem is consistent!
I have to admit I'm running out of ideas. :-(

When you print the whole document, everything is fine? In particular, there
is no problem with the *first* page of the first section?

Is there any setting of the first section that is different from the other

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
Yes, when you print the whole document everything is OK. The first section
is always fine and the problem only occurs when you print any of the other

We have just found out in our "try anything as a last resort" test mode that
if you select the option to print in "Reverse print order" then the section
prints correctly. This is not exactly practical, but is this a clue or
something to do with being in New Zealand and everything is upside down?

Thank you for your efforts and happy holiday.
I'm glad you found a work-around. The fact that "Reverse print order" made a
difference suggests that this *could* have something to do with printer
settings, after all. Have you looked at the manufacturer's home page for an
article on the subject? Maybe you'll even find an updated printer driver.

Happy holidays!

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
I suspect it has more to do with the fact that printing in reverse order
forces Word to repaginate the document (that is, take a hard look at the
page numbers) before printing.
So, in other words, treating the document as (mildly) corrupt might be a
good idea in this case?

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
I don't think it's really a corruption issue, just that Word is very easily
confused (a condition it passes on to users).