Dual monitors / screen saver issue



We use dual monitors at work (vertically) and stretch the Excel window onto
both monitors. I didn't notice this until Excel 2007, but we are having a
strange issue:

When the screen saver comes on then gets deactivated (moving mouse, etc),
Excel goes from being on both monitors to being only in the top monitor.
Then we need to re-stretch the Excel window back down to fill the second
monitor. This happens every time the screen saver goes on and back off. The
real problem is that some of the guys at work don't know how to fix it and
they mess things up trying to do so (maximizing the Excel window rather than
re-stretching, etc). We also cannot disable the screen saver because the
ability to change the screen saver settings has been locked out by "the man".

Why would the screen saver do this? Can it be prevented? This happens even
if Excel is the only window open on the desktop. This doesn't seem like it
should be an Excel issue, but I never noticed this until we upgraded to
Office 2007 and trust me.... I would have noticed this because it is annoying!


Since "the man" has taken away your way to fix it, then put in a trouble
report for " the man" to fix it!.......and for gosh sakes, don't try to tell
him "how", that really ticks 'em off.........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


It may come to that. I hate to bug them with such seemingly trivial things,
but aside from causing hard-to-fix probems for some of my co-workers, it is
just plain annoying for this to happen every time the screen saver goes on
and off.

Still wondering though.... does this happen to anyone else??? If there is
another way to fix it (another cause), I may be able to fix it without
disabling the screen saver.... something they will probably be reluctant to
do anyway.



If the Excel 2007 "upgrade" was invoked upon you, then I wouldn't hesitate
an instant to turn in a trouble report.........if you whined and pleaded and
begged for it, then maybe not.......<g>

Personally, unless 2007 provided some special advantage to my work, I would
request a go-back. It's not important what the numbers are of your Excel
version, only that it work for what you need. I use 97 primarily,because my
biggest client with 1000 computers mainly uses it. I have 2000 and XP
available to test with, but write all my programs in 97. I've never seen a
03 or 07 version there.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

KevinD said:
It may come to that. I hate to bug them with such seemingly trivial things,
but aside from causing hard-to-fix probems for some of my co-workers, it is
just plain annoying for this to happen every time the screen saver goes on
and off.

Still wondering though.... does this happen to anyone else??? If there is
another way to fix it (another cause), I may be able to fix it without
disabling the screen saver.... something they will probably be reluctant to
do anyway.


Ray Rogers

I don't normally run Excel over two monitors, but I just tried it and it
worked fine for me. Excel stayed as it was, spread over both displays.
Does this happen only with Excel, or do other programs exhibit the same
behavior? Try something simple like Notepad and see what happens, if it does
the same then it's a display setting. What OS and what video card?

David McRitchie

I would question what screen saver is being used.
If it is not a windows builtin screen saver, I'd be very
suspicious of the screen saver. I have Win2000
on a laptop and can't test, and would not test with
an externally obtained screen saver.

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