drop down lists and formulas



I am creating a billing sheet and I have created a drop down list in b7.
What I would like to do is have what ever selection from the drop down list
have the price connected to d7. So Shrimp cocktail from the app list in B7
and the price of 350 in D7. Any takers????


You need a lookup formula...

First, add a tab that has a list of all the items and their price. The
first column must have the items in alphabetical order in order for the
lookup formula to work correctly. Let's say that the tab is named "Prices"
and the columns are A and B.

Next, back to the main tab. Let's say the item name is in cell A1 and the
price is in cell B1. Your formula in B1 should read
"=VLOOKUP(A1,Prices!A:B,2,FALSE)". The purpose of the word "false" in the
last part of the formula is to tell Excel that you only want exact matches.
If you say "true" or omit that part completely, anything that is a partial
match will display results if an exact match is not found.

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