Drop-down list vanished & won't come back



Using data validation, selecting "list", using "=name" the drop dow
list won't appear. The drop-down list was working just fine til
started to copy the lines with drop-downs, and now it won't make th
drop-downs appear. Other pages in the workbook are displaying drop dow
lists just fine. i've tried protection (unlock) and a few othe
fruitless attempts. Got any Ideas???

The Fruitless Flounderer

P.S. how is the best way to thank someone who has "saved yer butt" o
this forum??


I would check and see if you have not accidentally deleted the define
range for NAME. You can do this by clicking INSERT , NAME , the
DEFINE. This will bring up a list of all the defined ranges for you
workbook. Check the one called NAME and see if it still includes th
information you want it to. Another is if it is typed in wrong. Chec
to see if they match.

Hope it helps.

P.S. As for thanks. Letting those who give help and suggestions kno
that the help and suggestions are working and appreciated is thank
enough. So if someone here gives you helpfull answers please post
reply letting them know.

Thx. Goober


the references for the "names" is still in place and functioning. Thi
must have something to do with Data because the drop-down icon is no
appearing on the page. (the page is not locked or protected) Othe
pages in the notebook use the "names" just fine. I wonder wha
triggers the drop-down box to appear. Maybe thats a location issue?

anyway, thanks for your input...



One thing to try:

<Tools> <Options> <View> tab,

Under "Objects",
Make sure "Show All" *IS* checked.


A second thought.

This holiday weekend I'm on an XL97 machine, which just reminds me that
there is a bug in this version in relation to drop downs.

If the drop-down list is in a frozen part of the sheet (freeze panes), you
also loose the list.

In that case, just *un-freeze* the panes, and the list returns.

What version are you using?


Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
Ragdyer said:
One thing to try:

<Tools> <Options> <View> tab,

Under "Objects",
Make sure "Show All" *IS* checked.


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