Drop-down boxes



How do I clean up the names on the drop-down boxes on my
computer? Certain drop-down boxes such as the one for the
e-bay site are becoming overloaded!

Tom Swift

If what you are referring to is the title bar - the colored bar on top of a
window - the title in that bar is created by software and there is nothing
you can do to change it.

Tom Swift


I mean the names of the items that I am looking for on e-
bay etc. in the drop-down boxes. Such as if I am looking
for a book - the books name on the drop-down box. These
names accumulate over time. I have a long list of items
on my list now.


start>run>control panel>internet options>"clear search history"

also set days to keep in history to zero if you do not want to have to keep
clearing it out.

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