Download.Trojan when double-clicking on any .txt file



When I click on any .txt file, Norton Antivirus pops a "Virus

Norton AntiVirus has detected and removed a virus from your
Object Name: C:/Windows/system32/kbdkaz.exe
Virus Name: Downlad.Trojan
Action Taken: The file was automatically deleted.

Where the file name on the object name can be any .exe file under

This happens even I created a blank .txt file and double click on
it. Opening a .txt file from within Notepad doesn't give the
Virus Alet.

I scan the Windows directory with Norton Antivirus, whih has the
most up-to-date virus data, it didn't find any virus. How to fix
this problem?


voc said:
When I click on any .txt file, Norton Antivirus pops a "Virus

Norton AntiVirus has detected and removed a virus from your
Object Name: C:/Windows/system32/kbdkaz.exe
Virus Name: Downlad.Trojan
Action Taken: The file was automatically deleted.

Where the file name on the object name can be any .exe file under

This happens even I created a blank .txt file and double click on
it. Opening a .txt file from within Notepad doesn't give the
Virus Alet.

I scan the Windows directory with Norton Antivirus, whih has the
most up-to-date virus data, it didn't find any virus. How to fix
this problem?

Seems like all the extensions with .TXT is asociated to another program than
Notepad/Word. Check the file asociation settings.

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