Download problem



Initially tried to download Norton removal tool to desktop. exe file appeared
on desktop, but attempted execution of file failed, with message indicating
filepath does not exist. Properties indicates that location is as stored.
Subsequent attempts to download and run other programmes result in similar
"error" messages. Do I have a config setting wrong??. Running Vista Business.


I have a whole bunch of follow up questions.

1. Is the core problem that you cannot execute programs that are stored on
the desktop? Can you move them somewhere else and execute them?
2. Are you trying to remove malware from the system, or are you trying to
remove Norton itself?
3. Are you sure the error message is from trying to run the tool, or could
it be that the tool is throwing that error because whatever it is trying to
remove does not exist?

Can you clarify a little, and include the exact error message you are seeing?


The removal tool was the only "programme" residing on the desk to. All other
icons pointed to locations within other folders, and operate correctly. I
attempted to move it elsewhere, but because Vista did not recognize the
folder location as valid, it had nothing to move. A review of the
"properties" for the Icon did report that the stored folder location was the
cesktop, and that wass approx. 500k in size. In the end, I deleted it from
the desktop.

Initially, I was trying to install a couple of Live Update fixes. Namely
LU1845, and LU9000. Since the fixes were unsuccessful, LU1845 suggested
running the NRT. That's where the trouble began. Since I couldn't run the
removal tool, I decided (stupidly as it turns out) to un-install and
re-install NIS. I can't recall how i ended nup with NIS 2007 on this laptop
in the first place but I believe it may have been part of the original
bundle. Softwre package I received with computer does not refer to is
product. Norton Tech support tried to download a new version of NIS 2008, but
ran into the same problem as me after download was complete.

Error message was " Unable to execute <c:/foldername/desktop>, folder does
not exist" or something similar.

Subsequently, I tried to download another product and execute it , and was
met with the same message.

Hope this is somewhat clearer. I'll check the suggeste link also.



I'm having a very hard time understanding what it is that is going wrong
exactly. I would suggest you download a completely new copy of the program
you wish to run (the uninstaller I suppose), but put it in your Downloads
folder instead. There appears to be something about your desktop that is
causing this to fail. What though I do not know. I would need the exact error
message to begin to tell.


"Jesper" -- Thanks for your help -- I think I'll contact Norton and
download to the Downloads folder as you suggest. Hopefully this will work.
I'll keep you posted if I have any success correcting the problem as it
exists on my machine. --bb

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