Donation box price visible not calculating



I have a box that I ck if the amount was donated. I want the amount to show
for tracking in the extended price field BUT I want it not to calculate with
the rest of the extended price total on that order then at the end of my
report I will have it show up as the total of donated materials.... (I have a
"return box" which uses the following code that makes it negative... Is
there something like this that would work?)

Private Sub ckReturned_Click()

If ckReturned.Value = True Then
If UnitPrice.Value > 0 Then
UnitPrice.Value = UnitPrice.Value * -1
End If
If UnitPrice.Value < 0 Then
UnitPrice.Value = UnitPrice.Value * -1
End If
End If


Steve Schapel


No. Just leave the tick there. You can do the calculations you require
on the report itself. For example, extended price total can be like this...
=-Sum([Extended Price]*([Donated]=0))
Donations total in the report footer can be like this...
=-Sum([Extended Price]*[Donated])

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