Does IE6 require high resolution monitor to run?



I'm helping a friend install IE6 and because of his poor eyesight his
monitor/graphics card is set at 640x480. When we try to install IE6 it
brings up this message:

"the table bitmap has 8 bits per pixel. it must be changed to 4 bits per
pixel, 16 colors."

Actually, I'm only guessing that's what this means. I noticed that his
computer isn't even using the graphics card so is booting up in basic VGA.
But I'd like to find out which version of IE will work with the 640x480
resolution so he can read what's on the screen.



I can't help you on the error, but you may try changing the
text size on windows or IE.

To change it on windows, go into the display options. Go
to the appearance tab, and set the text size to large or

(Note this is on Window's XP, and may be different on
different OS's)

To change it on IE, go to view, text size, and change it

Hopefully that can help.

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