Docx vs Dodc files in Vista



Recently purchased computer with Vista--created a Word doc, and tried to send
as attachemnt in email--however, Word doc came out as docx. file -- possible
to create just plain doc file in Vista? If so, how?


If only MS had put some Help files in Word....

I assume you mean Word 2007?
I don't have it, but surely there's a way to do File - Save As.. - and pick

Joey DoWop Dee

On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 12:41:10 -0400, Dave wrote:

Dave is correct. There is a "save as .doc" option. IIRC you can set it as a
default "save as" option in Word.


really has nothing to do with Vista. .docx is the default extension for
Word 2007. to save as an older format (i.e. doc) when saving hit "save
as..." and use the file type pull down box to select Word 97-2003 (.doc)

also, people with office versions 2002 and older will not be able to open
docx files, but Word 2003 will open them (user will be prompted with an
option to download and install a plug-in enabling the use of .docx files in
Word 2003)


Word 2007 creates two file extensions - *.DOCX as mentioned and .DOCM if a
macro is uncluded with the document.

Bruce Chambers

BSingletonSeattle said:
Recently purchased computer with Vista--created a Word doc, and tried to send
as attachemnt in email--however, Word doc came out as docx. file -- possible
to create just plain doc file in Vista? If so, how?

This has *nothing* to do with Windows Vista, which, as an operating
system, naturally has no word processing capabilities.

From your description, I would have to guess that you used Microsoft
Word 2007 and saved the document in Word 2007's default native format,
XML. If you don't want this behavior in the future, simply use Word's
"Save as" feature to save files in the format of your choice.

Alternatively, if you need/want the new formating capabilities, you can
continue saving Word 2007 documents in the new XML format, and inform
your correspondents that Microsoft offers a free utility to enable older
versions of Office to handle Office 2007's XML files:

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007
File Formats


Bruce Chambers

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