Dns Server on windows 2000

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gaddo
  • Start date Start date


Hi, the last sunday i've replaced a domain controller crashed, now the system
seems to work right but i'm not able to use internet explorer on the the
I explan: lan with adsl router, all the pc client use dns server for
internal resolution and interternet, the domain controller provide services
for file sharing, Server antivirus, Dns server. The system is fully pathced,
antivirus system trend micro worry free 5.0 standard version. From command
prompt typing nslookup it seems ok the system tell me the right name or the
right ip address, using traceroute i'm able to trace the map of any internet
host. But if i open internet explorer i'm able to open only google home page.
No firewall software installed and i've beeb tried with disabling antiviurs
client. Below the report generated with netdiag
All the pc client work fine the server like dns

Gathering IPX configuration information.
Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed
Testing Domain membership... Passed
Gathering NetBT configuration information.
Testing DNS
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all DNS
PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server

Tests complete.

Computer Name: SGESRV
DNS Host Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
DNS Domain Name: sgedom.lan
System info : Windows 2000 Server (Build 2195)
Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Hotfixes :
Installed? Name
Yes KB329115
Yes KB822343
Yes KB823182
Yes KB823559
Yes KB824105
Yes KB825119
Yes KB826232
Yes KB828035
Yes KB828749
Yes KB832353
Yes KB832359
Yes KB841356
Yes KB842773
Yes KB885836
Yes KB893756
Yes KB893803v2
Yes KB896358
Yes KB896422
Yes KB896423
Yes KB899587
Yes KB899589
Yes KB899591
Yes KB900725
Yes KB901017
Yes KB901214
Yes KB905414
Yes KB905495-IE6SP1-20050805.184113
Yes KB905749
Yes KB908519
Yes KB908531
Yes KB911280
Yes KB911564
Yes KB913580
Yes KB914388
Yes KB917008
Yes KB917537
Yes KB918118
Yes KB920213
Yes KB920670
Yes KB920683
Yes KB920685
Yes KB921398
Yes KB923191
Yes KB923810
Yes KB923980
Yes KB924270
Yes KB924667
Yes KB925398_WMP64
Yes KB925902
Yes KB926122
Yes KB926436
Yes KB927891
Yes KB928843
Yes KB930178
Yes KB931784
Yes KB933729
Yes KB935839
Yes KB935840
Yes KB937894
Yes KB938464-IE6SP1-20080429.120000
Yes KB938827
Yes KB942831
Yes KB943055
Yes KB943485
Yes KB944338
Yes KB945553
Yes KB950749
Yes KB950974
Yes KB951066-OE6SP1-20080625.120000
Yes KB951698
Yes KB951746
Yes KB951748
Yes KB952954
Yes KB953155
Yes KB954211
Yes KB954600_WM41
Yes KB955069
Yes KB956391
Yes KB956802
Yes KB957095
Yes KB957097
Yes KB958215-IE6SP1-20081016.120000
Yes KB958644
Yes KB960714-IE6SP1-20081211.120000
Yes Q147222
Yes Q828026
No ServicePackUninstall
Yes Update Rollup 1

Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed

Information of Netcard drivers:

Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection - Trend
Micro Common Firewall Miniport
Device: \DEVICE\{8373CC16-2EF3-4FD8-87C0-EF4C037243BB}

Media State: Connected

Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:14
Media Speed: 100 Mbps

Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0

Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0

Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection
Device: \DEVICE\{141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}

Media State: Connected

Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:19
Media Speed: 100 Mbps

Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0

Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0

[PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state.

Per interface results:

Adapter : Connessione alla rete locale (LAN)
Adapter ID . . . . . . . . : {141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}

Netcard queries test . . . : Passed

Global results:

Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed
Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller Emulator
Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : SGEDOM
Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . : {6DC5B571-FBC9-4569-AC28-CF893BDAEBBB}
Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . : S-1-5-21-1220945662-1682526488-839522115
Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : Administrator
Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : SGEDOM

NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed
List of NetBt transports currently configured:
1 NetBt transport currently configured.

DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed
Interface {141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
DNS Domain:
DNS Servers:
IP Address:
Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name):
Hostname: sgesrv.sgedom.lan.
Authoritative zone: sgedom.lan.
Primary DNS server: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Authoritative NS:
Verify DNS registration:
Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Expected IP:
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all DNS servers
Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server ''
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server

The command completed successfully

Any help is appreciated
Thanks Gian Luca
Hello Gaddo,

What error message do you get? Is IE starting or what exactly does not work?
Is that the only DC, how did you restore, from image or system state backup?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm

Hi, the last sunday i've replaced a domain controller crashed, now the
seems to work right but i'm not able to use internet explorer on the
I explan: lan with adsl router, all the pc client use dns server for
internal resolution and interternet, the domain controller provide
for file sharing, Server antivirus, Dns server. The system is fully
antivirus system trend micro worry free 5.0 standard version. From
prompt typing nslookup it seems ok the system tell me the right name
or the
right ip address, using traceroute i'm able to trace the map of any
host. But if i open internet explorer i'm able to open only google
home page.
No firewall software installed and i've beeb tried with disabling
client. Below the report generated with netdiag
All the pc client work fine the server like dns
Gathering IPX configuration information.
Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed
Testing Domain membership... Passed
Gathering NetBT configuration information.
Testing DNS
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all
PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server
Tests complete.

Computer Name: SGESRV
DNS Host Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
DNS Domain Name: sgedom.lan
System info : Windows 2000 Server (Build 2195)
Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Hotfixes :
Installed? Name
Yes KB329115
Yes KB822343
Yes KB823182
Yes KB823559
Yes KB824105
Yes KB825119
Yes KB826232
Yes KB828035
Yes KB828749
Yes KB832353
Yes KB832359
Yes KB841356
Yes KB842773
Yes KB885836
Yes KB893756
Yes KB893803v2
Yes KB896358
Yes KB896422
Yes KB896423
Yes KB899587
Yes KB899589
Yes KB899591
Yes KB900725
Yes KB901017
Yes KB901214
Yes KB905414
Yes KB905495-IE6SP1-20050805.184113
Yes KB905749
Yes KB908519
Yes KB908531
Yes KB911280
Yes KB911564
Yes KB913580
Yes KB914388
Yes KB917008
Yes KB917537
Yes KB918118
Yes KB920213
Yes KB920670
Yes KB920683
Yes KB920685
Yes KB921398
Yes KB923191
Yes KB923810
Yes KB923980
Yes KB924270
Yes KB924667
Yes KB925398_WMP64
Yes KB925902
Yes KB926122
Yes KB926436
Yes KB927891
Yes KB928843
Yes KB930178
Yes KB931784
Yes KB933729
Yes KB935839
Yes KB935840
Yes KB937894
Yes KB938464-IE6SP1-20080429.120000
Yes KB938827
Yes KB942831
Yes KB943055
Yes KB943485
Yes KB944338
Yes KB945553
Yes KB950749
Yes KB950974
Yes KB951066-OE6SP1-20080625.120000
Yes KB951698
Yes KB951746
Yes KB951748
Yes KB952954
Yes KB953155
Yes KB954211
Yes KB954600_WM41
Yes KB955069
Yes KB956391
Yes KB956802
Yes KB957095
Yes KB957097
Yes KB958215-IE6SP1-20081016.120000
Yes KB958644
Yes KB960714-IE6SP1-20081211.120000
Yes Q147222
Yes Q828026
No ServicePackUninstall
Yes Update Rollup 1
Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed

Information of Netcard drivers:

Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection -
Micro Common Firewall Miniport
Device: \DEVICE\{8373CC16-2EF3-4FD8-87C0-EF4C037243BB}
Media State: Connected

Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:14
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection
Device: \DEVICE\{141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
Media State: Connected

Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:19
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
[PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state.
Per interface results:

Adapter : Connessione alla rete locale (LAN)
Adapter ID . . . . . . . . :
Netcard queries test . . . : Passed

Global results:

Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed
Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller
Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : SGEDOM
Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . :
Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . :
Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : Administrator
Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : SGEDOM
NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed
List of NetBt transports currently configured:
1 NetBt transport currently configured.
DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed
Interface {141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
DNS Domain:
DNS Servers:
IP Address:
Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name):
Hostname: sgesrv.sgedom.lan.
Authoritative zone: sgedom.lan.
Primary DNS server: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Authoritative NS:
Verify DNS registration:
Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Expected IP:
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all DNS
Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server

The command completed successfully

Any help is appreciated
Thanks Gian Luca
Hi Meinolf,
I've made a fresh install, executed all the updates, configured dns for
Active directory, run dcpromo, installed Trend Micro Worry Free 5.0.
Is possible open some page in IE : google but not microsoft or trendmicro
In the address bar of IE typing https://nameserver:4343/smb i'm able to gain
access to the antivirus console.
If i try to open a web page the system tell me dns Error
Gian Luca

Meinolf Weber said:
Hello Gaddo,

What error message do you get? Is IE starting or what exactly does not work?
Is that the only DC, how did you restore, from image or system state backup?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm

Hi, the last sunday i've replaced a domain controller crashed, now the
seems to work right but i'm not able to use internet explorer on the
I explan: lan with adsl router, all the pc client use dns server for
internal resolution and interternet, the domain controller provide
for file sharing, Server antivirus, Dns server. The system is fully
antivirus system trend micro worry free 5.0 standard version. From
prompt typing nslookup it seems ok the system tell me the right name
or the
right ip address, using traceroute i'm able to trace the map of any
host. But if i open internet explorer i'm able to open only google
home page.
No firewall software installed and i've beeb tried with disabling
client. Below the report generated with netdiag
All the pc client work fine the server like dns
Gathering IPX configuration information.
Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed
Testing Domain membership... Passed
Gathering NetBT configuration information.
Testing DNS
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all
PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server
Tests complete.

Computer Name: SGESRV
DNS Host Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
DNS Domain Name: sgedom.lan
System info : Windows 2000 Server (Build 2195)
Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Hotfixes :
Installed? Name
Yes KB329115
Yes KB822343
Yes KB823182
Yes KB823559
Yes KB824105
Yes KB825119
Yes KB826232
Yes KB828035
Yes KB828749
Yes KB832353
Yes KB832359
Yes KB841356
Yes KB842773
Yes KB885836
Yes KB893756
Yes KB893803v2
Yes KB896358
Yes KB896422
Yes KB896423
Yes KB899587
Yes KB899589
Yes KB899591
Yes KB900725
Yes KB901017
Yes KB901214
Yes KB905414
Yes KB905495-IE6SP1-20050805.184113
Yes KB905749
Yes KB908519
Yes KB908531
Yes KB911280
Yes KB911564
Yes KB913580
Yes KB914388
Yes KB917008
Yes KB917537
Yes KB918118
Yes KB920213
Yes KB920670
Yes KB920683
Yes KB920685
Yes KB921398
Yes KB923191
Yes KB923810
Yes KB923980
Yes KB924270
Yes KB924667
Yes KB925398_WMP64
Yes KB925902
Yes KB926122
Yes KB926436
Yes KB927891
Yes KB928843
Yes KB930178
Yes KB931784
Yes KB933729
Yes KB935839
Yes KB935840
Yes KB937894
Yes KB938464-IE6SP1-20080429.120000
Yes KB938827
Yes KB942831
Yes KB943055
Yes KB943485
Yes KB944338
Yes KB945553
Yes KB950749
Yes KB950974
Yes KB951066-OE6SP1-20080625.120000
Yes KB951698
Yes KB951746
Yes KB951748
Yes KB952954
Yes KB953155
Yes KB954211
Yes KB954600_WM41
Yes KB955069
Yes KB956391
Yes KB956802
Yes KB957095
Yes KB957097
Yes KB958215-IE6SP1-20081016.120000
Yes KB958644
Yes KB960714-IE6SP1-20081211.120000
Yes Q147222
Yes Q828026
No ServicePackUninstall
Yes Update Rollup 1
Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed

Information of Netcard drivers:

Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection -
Micro Common Firewall Miniport
Device: \DEVICE\{8373CC16-2EF3-4FD8-87C0-EF4C037243BB}
Media State: Connected

Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:14
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection
Device: \DEVICE\{141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
Media State: Connected

Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:19
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
[PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state.
Per interface results:

Adapter : Connessione alla rete locale (LAN)
Adapter ID . . . . . . . . :
Netcard queries test . . . : Passed

Global results:

Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed
Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller
Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : SGEDOM
Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . :
Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . :
Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : Administrator
Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : SGEDOM
NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed
List of NetBt transports currently configured:
1 NetBt transport currently configured.
DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed
Interface {141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
DNS Domain:
DNS Servers:
IP Address:
Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name):
Hostname: sgesrv.sgedom.lan.
Authoritative zone: sgedom.lan.
Primary DNS server: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Authoritative NS:
Verify DNS registration:
Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Expected IP:
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all DNS
Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server

The command completed successfully

Any help is appreciated
Thanks Gian Luca
Hello Gaddo,

Do you use the ISP's DNS server as FORWARDER on the DNS server properties
in the DNS management console?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm

Hi Meinolf,
I've made a fresh install, executed all the updates, configured dns
Active directory, run dcpromo, installed Trend Micro Worry Free 5.0.
Is possible open some page in IE : google but not microsoft or
In the address bar of IE typing https://nameserver:4343/smb i'm able
to gain
access to the antivirus console.
If i try to open a web page the system tell me dns Error
Gian Luca
Meinolf Weber said:
Hello Gaddo,

What error message do you get? Is IE starting or what exactly does
not work? Is that the only DC, how did you restore, from image or
system state backup?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
Hi, the last sunday i've replaced a domain controller crashed, now
seems to work right but i'm not able to use internet explorer on the
I explan: lan with adsl router, all the pc client use dns server for
internal resolution and interternet, the domain controller provide
for file sharing, Server antivirus, Dns server. The system is fully
antivirus system trend micro worry free 5.0 standard version. From
prompt typing nslookup it seems ok the system tell me the right name
or the
right ip address, using traceroute i'm able to trace the map of any
host. But if i open internet explorer i'm able to open only google
home page.
No firewall software installed and i've beeb tried with disabling
client. Below the report generated with netdiag
All the pc client work fine the server like dns
Gathering IPX configuration information.
Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed
Testing Domain membership... Passed
Gathering NetBT configuration information.
Testing DNS
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all
PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server
Tests complete.
Computer Name: SGESRV
DNS Host Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
DNS Domain Name: sgedom.lan
System info : Windows 2000 Server (Build 2195)
Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Hotfixes :
Installed? Name
Yes KB329115
Yes KB822343
Yes KB823182
Yes KB823559
Yes KB824105
Yes KB825119
Yes KB826232
Yes KB828035
Yes KB828749
Yes KB832353
Yes KB832359
Yes KB841356
Yes KB842773
Yes KB885836
Yes KB893756
Yes KB893803v2
Yes KB896358
Yes KB896422
Yes KB896423
Yes KB899587
Yes KB899589
Yes KB899591
Yes KB900725
Yes KB901017
Yes KB901214
Yes KB905414
Yes KB905495-IE6SP1-20050805.184113
Yes KB905749
Yes KB908519
Yes KB908531
Yes KB911280
Yes KB911564
Yes KB913580
Yes KB914388
Yes KB917008
Yes KB917537
Yes KB918118
Yes KB920213
Yes KB920670
Yes KB920683
Yes KB920685
Yes KB921398
Yes KB923191
Yes KB923810
Yes KB923980
Yes KB924270
Yes KB924667
Yes KB925398_WMP64
Yes KB925902
Yes KB926122
Yes KB926436
Yes KB927891
Yes KB928843
Yes KB930178
Yes KB931784
Yes KB933729
Yes KB935839
Yes KB935840
Yes KB937894
Yes KB938464-IE6SP1-20080429.120000
Yes KB938827
Yes KB942831
Yes KB943055
Yes KB943485
Yes KB944338
Yes KB945553
Yes KB950749
Yes KB950974
Yes KB951066-OE6SP1-20080625.120000
Yes KB951698
Yes KB951746
Yes KB951748
Yes KB952954
Yes KB953155
Yes KB954211
Yes KB954600_WM41
Yes KB955069
Yes KB956391
Yes KB956802
Yes KB957095
Yes KB957097
Yes KB958215-IE6SP1-20081016.120000
Yes KB958644
Yes KB960714-IE6SP1-20081211.120000
Yes Q147222
Yes Q828026
No ServicePackUninstall
Yes Update Rollup 1
Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed
Information of Netcard drivers:

Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection -
Micro Common Firewall Miniport
Device: \DEVICE\{8373CC16-2EF3-4FD8-87C0-EF4C037243BB}
Media State: Connected
Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:14
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection
Device: \DEVICE\{141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
Media State: Connected
Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:19
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
[PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state.
Per interface results:
Adapter : Connessione alla rete locale (LAN)
Adapter ID . . . . . . . . :
Netcard queries test . . . : Passed
Global results:

Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed
Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller
Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : SGEDOM
Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . :
Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . :
Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : Administrator
Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : SGEDOM
NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed
List of NetBt transports currently configured:
1 NetBt transport currently configured.
DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed
Interface {141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
DNS Domain:
DNS Servers:
IP Address:
Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name):
Hostname: sgesrv.sgedom.lan.
Authoritative zone: sgedom.lan.
Primary DNS server: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Authoritative NS:
Verify DNS registration:
Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Expected IP:
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all DNS
Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server

The command completed successfully

Any help is appreciated
Thanks Gian Luca
Hi Meinolf,
The tab of forwarders i've typed (ns4.tin.it) most populard
isp's dns, tried also with
bye Gluca
Meinolf Weber said:
Hello Gaddo,

Do you use the ISP's DNS server as FORWARDER on the DNS server properties
in the DNS management console?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm

Hi Meinolf,
I've made a fresh install, executed all the updates, configured dns
Active directory, run dcpromo, installed Trend Micro Worry Free 5.0.
Is possible open some page in IE : google but not microsoft or
In the address bar of IE typing https://nameserver:4343/smb i'm able
to gain
access to the antivirus console.
If i try to open a web page the system tell me dns Error
Gian Luca
Meinolf Weber said:
Hello Gaddo,

What error message do you get? Is IE starting or what exactly does
not work? Is that the only DC, how did you restore, from image or
system state backup?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
Hi, the last sunday i've replaced a domain controller crashed, now
seems to work right but i'm not able to use internet explorer on the
I explan: lan with adsl router, all the pc client use dns server for
internal resolution and interternet, the domain controller provide
for file sharing, Server antivirus, Dns server. The system is fully
antivirus system trend micro worry free 5.0 standard version. From
prompt typing nslookup it seems ok the system tell me the right name
or the
right ip address, using traceroute i'm able to trace the map of any
host. But if i open internet explorer i'm able to open only google
home page.
No firewall software installed and i've beeb tried with disabling
client. Below the report generated with netdiag
All the pc client work fine the server like dns
Gathering IPX configuration information.
Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed
Testing Domain membership... Passed
Gathering NetBT configuration information.
Testing DNS
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all
PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server
Tests complete.
Computer Name: SGESRV
DNS Host Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
DNS Domain Name: sgedom.lan
System info : Windows 2000 Server (Build 2195)
Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Hotfixes :
Installed? Name
Yes KB329115
Yes KB822343
Yes KB823182
Yes KB823559
Yes KB824105
Yes KB825119
Yes KB826232
Yes KB828035
Yes KB828749
Yes KB832353
Yes KB832359
Yes KB841356
Yes KB842773
Yes KB885836
Yes KB893756
Yes KB893803v2
Yes KB896358
Yes KB896422
Yes KB896423
Yes KB899587
Yes KB899589
Yes KB899591
Yes KB900725
Yes KB901017
Yes KB901214
Yes KB905414
Yes KB905495-IE6SP1-20050805.184113
Yes KB905749
Yes KB908519
Yes KB908531
Yes KB911280
Yes KB911564
Yes KB913580
Yes KB914388
Yes KB917008
Yes KB917537
Yes KB918118
Yes KB920213
Yes KB920670
Yes KB920683
Yes KB920685
Yes KB921398
Yes KB923191
Yes KB923810
Yes KB923980
Yes KB924270
Yes KB924667
Yes KB925398_WMP64
Yes KB925902
Yes KB926122
Yes KB926436
Yes KB927891
Yes KB928843
Yes KB930178
Yes KB931784
Yes KB933729
Yes KB935839
Yes KB935840
Yes KB937894
Yes KB938464-IE6SP1-20080429.120000
Yes KB938827
Yes KB942831
Yes KB943055
Yes KB943485
Yes KB944338
Yes KB945553
Yes KB950749
Yes KB950974
Yes KB951066-OE6SP1-20080625.120000
Yes KB951698
Yes KB951746
Yes KB951748
Yes KB952954
Yes KB953155
Yes KB954211
Yes KB954600_WM41
Yes KB955069
Yes KB956391
Yes KB956802
Yes KB957095
Yes KB957097
Yes KB958215-IE6SP1-20081016.120000
Yes KB958644
Yes KB960714-IE6SP1-20081211.120000
Yes Q147222
Yes Q828026
No ServicePackUninstall
Yes Update Rollup 1
Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed
Information of Netcard drivers:

Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection -
Micro Common Firewall Miniport
Device: \DEVICE\{8373CC16-2EF3-4FD8-87C0-EF4C037243BB}
Media State: Connected
Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:14
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection
Device: \DEVICE\{141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
Media State: Connected
Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:19
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
[PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state.
Per interface results:
Adapter : Connessione alla rete locale (LAN)
Adapter ID . . . . . . . . :
Netcard queries test . . . : Passed
Global results:

Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed
Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller
Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : SGEDOM
Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . :
Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . :
Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : Administrator
Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : SGEDOM
NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed
List of NetBt transports currently configured:
1 NetBt transport currently configured.
DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed
Interface {141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
DNS Domain:
DNS Servers:
IP Address:
Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name):
Hostname: sgesrv.sgedom.lan.
Authoritative zone: sgedom.lan.
Primary DNS server: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Authoritative NS:
Verify DNS registration:
Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Expected IP:
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all DNS
Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server

The command completed successfully

Any help is appreciated
Thanks Gian Luca
Hello Gaddo,

Please post an unedited ipconfig /all from the server and one client which
is running fine.

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm

Hi Meinolf,
The tab of forwarders i've typed (ns4.tin.it) most
isp's dns, tried also with
bye Gluca
Meinolf Weber said:
Hello Gaddo,

Do you use the ISP's DNS server as FORWARDER on the DNS server
properties in the DNS management console?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
Hi Meinolf,
I've made a fresh install, executed all the updates, configured dns
Active directory, run dcpromo, installed Trend Micro Worry Free 5.0.
Is possible open some page in IE : google but not microsoft or
In the address bar of IE typing https://nameserver:4343/smb i'm able
to gain
access to the antivirus console.
If i try to open a web page the system tell me dns Error
Gian Luca
Hello Gaddo,

What error message do you get? Is IE starting or what exactly does
not work? Is that the only DC, how did you restore, from image or
system state backup?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties,
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
Hi, the last sunday i've replaced a domain controller crashed, now
seems to work right but i'm not able to use internet explorer on
I explan: lan with adsl router, all the pc client use dns server
internal resolution and interternet, the domain controller provide
for file sharing, Server antivirus, Dns server. The system is
antivirus system trend micro worry free 5.0 standard version. From
prompt typing nslookup it seems ok the system tell me the right
or the
right ip address, using traceroute i'm able to trace the map of
host. But if i open internet explorer i'm able to open only google
home page.
No firewall software installed and i've beeb tried with disabling
client. Below the report generated with netdiag
All the pc client work fine the server like dns
Gathering IPX configuration information.
Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed
Testing Domain membership... Passed
Gathering NetBT configuration information.
Testing DNS
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all
PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server
Tests complete.
Computer Name: SGESRV
DNS Host Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
DNS Domain Name: sgedom.lan
System info : Windows 2000 Server (Build 2195)
Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Hotfixes :
Installed? Name
Yes KB329115
Yes KB822343
Yes KB823182
Yes KB823559
Yes KB824105
Yes KB825119
Yes KB826232
Yes KB828035
Yes KB828749
Yes KB832353
Yes KB832359
Yes KB841356
Yes KB842773
Yes KB885836
Yes KB893756
Yes KB893803v2
Yes KB896358
Yes KB896422
Yes KB896423
Yes KB899587
Yes KB899589
Yes KB899591
Yes KB900725
Yes KB901017
Yes KB901214
Yes KB905414
Yes KB905495-IE6SP1-20050805.184113
Yes KB905749
Yes KB908519
Yes KB908531
Yes KB911280
Yes KB911564
Yes KB913580
Yes KB914388
Yes KB917008
Yes KB917537
Yes KB918118
Yes KB920213
Yes KB920670
Yes KB920683
Yes KB920685
Yes KB921398
Yes KB923191
Yes KB923810
Yes KB923980
Yes KB924270
Yes KB924667
Yes KB925398_WMP64
Yes KB925902
Yes KB926122
Yes KB926436
Yes KB927891
Yes KB928843
Yes KB930178
Yes KB931784
Yes KB933729
Yes KB935839
Yes KB935840
Yes KB937894
Yes KB938464-IE6SP1-20080429.120000
Yes KB938827
Yes KB942831
Yes KB943055
Yes KB943485
Yes KB944338
Yes KB945553
Yes KB950749
Yes KB950974
Yes KB951066-OE6SP1-20080625.120000
Yes KB951698
Yes KB951746
Yes KB951748
Yes KB952954
Yes KB953155
Yes KB954211
Yes KB954600_WM41
Yes KB955069
Yes KB956391
Yes KB956802
Yes KB957095
Yes KB957097
Yes KB958215-IE6SP1-20081016.120000
Yes KB958644
Yes KB960714-IE6SP1-20081211.120000
Yes Q147222
Yes Q828026
No ServicePackUninstall
Yes Update Rollup 1
Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed
Information of Netcard drivers:
Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection -
Micro Common Firewall Miniport
Device: \DEVICE\{8373CC16-2EF3-4FD8-87C0-EF4C037243BB}
Media State: Connected
Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:14
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection
Device: \DEVICE\{141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
Media State: Connected
Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:19
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
[PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state.
Per interface results:
Adapter : Connessione alla rete locale (LAN)
Adapter ID . . . . . . . . :
Netcard queries test . . . : Passed
Global results:
Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed
Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller
Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : SGEDOM
Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . :
Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . :
Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : Administrator
Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : SGEDOM
NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed
List of NetBt transports currently configured:
1 NetBt transport currently configured.
DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed
Interface {141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
DNS Domain:
DNS Servers:
IP Address:
Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name):
Hostname: sgesrv.sgedom.lan.
Authoritative zone: sgedom.lan.
Primary DNS server: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Authoritative NS:
Verify DNS registration:
Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Expected IP:
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all DNS
Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server

The command completed successfully

Any help is appreciated
Thanks Gian Luca
Hello Meinolf,
Here you a txt file of the server:
Configurazione IP di Windows 2000

Nome host . . . . . . . . . . . : sgesrv
Suffisso DNS primario . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Tipo nodo . . . . . . . . . . . : Trasmissione

IP Routing abilitato. . . . . . : No

WINS Proxy abilitato. . . . . . : No

Elenco di ricerca suffisso DNS . : sgedom.lan

- Scheda Ethernet Connessione alla rete locale (LAN):

Suffisso DNS specifico connessione:
Descrizione . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port
Network Connection
Indirizzo fisico. . . . . . . . : 00-03-47-31-D3-E4

DHCP abilitato . . . . . . . . . : No

Indirizzo IP. . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

Gateway predefinito . . . . . . . :

Server DNS. . . . . . . . . . . :

Below the configuration of the client :

Configurazione IP di Windows

Nome host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Tm64106marc

Suffisso DNS primario . . . . . . . :

Tipo nodo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Ibrido

Routing IP abilitato. . . . . . . . . : No

Proxy WINS abilitato . . . . . . . . : No

Elenco di ricerca suffissi DNS. . . . : sgedom.lan

Scheda Ethernet Connessione alla rete locale (LAN):

Suffisso DNS specifico per connessione: sgedom.lan

Descrizione . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcom NetLink (TM)
Gigabit Ethernet

Indirizzo fisico. . . . . . . . . . . : 00-A0-D1-A0-47-25

DHCP abilitato. . . . . . . . . . . . : Sì

Configurazione automatica abilitata : Sì

Indirizzo IP. . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Gateway predefinito . . . . . . . . . :

Server DHCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Server DNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Lease ottenuto. . . . . . . . . . . . : martedì 13 gennaio 2009

Scadenza lease . . . . . . . . . . . : mercoledì 21 gennaio 2009

Scheda Ethernet Connessione rete senza fili:

Stato supporto . . . . . . . . . . . : Supporto disconnesso

Descrizione . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) PRO/Wireless
3945ABG Network Connection

Indirizzo fisico. . . . . . . . . . . : 00-18-DE-6B-FF-2B

I've also modified the tcp parameters in the tab of the network card
replacing itself with a isp's dns but nothing is changed (
Gian Luca

Meinolf Weber said:
Hello Gaddo,

Please post an unedited ipconfig /all from the server and one client which
is running fine.

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm

Hi Meinolf,
The tab of forwarders i've typed (ns4.tin.it) most
isp's dns, tried also with
bye Gluca
Meinolf Weber said:
Hello Gaddo,

Do you use the ISP's DNS server as FORWARDER on the DNS server
properties in the DNS management console?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
Hi Meinolf,
I've made a fresh install, executed all the updates, configured dns
Active directory, run dcpromo, installed Trend Micro Worry Free 5.0.
Is possible open some page in IE : google but not microsoft or
In the address bar of IE typing https://nameserver:4343/smb i'm able
to gain
access to the antivirus console.
If i try to open a web page the system tell me dns Error
Gian Luca
Hello Gaddo,

What error message do you get? Is IE starting or what exactly does
not work? Is that the only DC, how did you restore, from image or
system state backup?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties,
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!! http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm
Hi, the last sunday i've replaced a domain controller crashed, now
seems to work right but i'm not able to use internet explorer on
I explan: lan with adsl router, all the pc client use dns server
internal resolution and interternet, the domain controller provide
for file sharing, Server antivirus, Dns server. The system is
antivirus system trend micro worry free 5.0 standard version. From
prompt typing nslookup it seems ok the system tell me the right
or the
right ip address, using traceroute i'm able to trace the map of
host. But if i open internet explorer i'm able to open only google
home page.
No firewall software installed and i've beeb tried with disabling
client. Below the report generated with netdiag
All the pc client work fine the server like dns
Gathering IPX configuration information.
Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed
Testing Domain membership... Passed
Gathering NetBT configuration information.
Testing DNS
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all
PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server
Tests complete.
Computer Name: SGESRV
DNS Host Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
DNS Domain Name: sgedom.lan
System info : Windows 2000 Server (Build 2195)
Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Hotfixes :
Installed? Name
Yes KB329115
Yes KB822343
Yes KB823182
Yes KB823559
Yes KB824105
Yes KB825119
Yes KB826232
Yes KB828035
Yes KB828749
Yes KB832353
Yes KB832359
Yes KB841356
Yes KB842773
Yes KB885836
Yes KB893756
Yes KB893803v2
Yes KB896358
Yes KB896422
Yes KB896423
Yes KB899587
Yes KB899589
Yes KB899591
Yes KB900725
Yes KB901017
Yes KB901214
Yes KB905414
Yes KB905495-IE6SP1-20050805.184113
Yes KB905749
Yes KB908519
Yes KB908531
Yes KB911280
Yes KB911564
Yes KB913580
Yes KB914388
Yes KB917008
Yes KB917537
Yes KB918118
Yes KB920213
Yes KB920670
Yes KB920683
Yes KB920685
Yes KB921398
Yes KB923191
Yes KB923810
Yes KB923980
Yes KB924270
Yes KB924667
Yes KB925398_WMP64
Yes KB925902
Yes KB926122
Yes KB926436
Yes KB927891
Yes KB928843
Yes KB930178
Yes KB931784
Yes KB933729
Yes KB935839
Yes KB935840
Yes KB937894
Yes KB938464-IE6SP1-20080429.120000
Yes KB938827
Yes KB942831
Yes KB943055
Yes KB943485
Yes KB944338
Yes KB945553
Yes KB950749
Yes KB950974
Yes KB951066-OE6SP1-20080625.120000
Yes KB951698
Yes KB951746
Yes KB951748
Yes KB952954
Yes KB953155
Yes KB954211
Yes KB954600_WM41
Yes KB955069
Yes KB956391
Yes KB956802
Yes KB957095
Yes KB957097
Yes KB958215-IE6SP1-20081016.120000
Yes KB958644
Yes KB960714-IE6SP1-20081211.120000
Yes Q147222
Yes Q828026
No ServicePackUninstall
Yes Update Rollup 1
Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed
Information of Netcard drivers:
Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection -
Micro Common Firewall Miniport
Device: \DEVICE\{8373CC16-2EF3-4FD8-87C0-EF4C037243BB}
Media State: Connected
Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:14
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
Description: Intel(R) 82546EB Based Dual Port Network Connection
Device: \DEVICE\{141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
Media State: Connected
Device State: Connected
Connect Time: 3 days, 02:37:19
Media Speed: 100 Mbps
Packets Sent: 74718478
Bytes Sent (Optional): 0
Packets Received: 32374531
Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 32374531
Bytes Received (Optional): 0
Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0
[PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state.
Per interface results:
Adapter : Connessione alla rete locale (LAN)
Adapter ID . . . . . . . . :
Netcard queries test . . . : Passed
Global results:
Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed
Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller
Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : SGEDOM
Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : sgedom.lan
Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . :
Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . :
Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : Administrator
Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : SGEDOM
NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed
List of NetBt transports currently configured:
1 NetBt transport currently configured.
DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed
Interface {141B1D58-BD91-4DBC-8493-34E949BECA32}
DNS Domain:
DNS Servers:
IP Address:
Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name):
Hostname: sgesrv.sgedom.lan.
Authoritative zone: sgedom.lan.
Primary DNS server: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Authoritative NS:
Verify DNS registration:
Name: sgesrv.sgedom.lan
Expected IP:
The DNS registration for sgesrv.sgedom.lan is correct on all DNS
Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.
The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.

The Record is correct on DNS server ''.
Solved !!!!
Digging i've found the problem !
The system of the customor is being infected during update of the system
before install Antivirus protecion.
The worm was worm_downad.ad
Asking to the Trend Micro Support, applying Demage cleanup seems to solve