distributed computing choices



When an application needs to get information from another machine over
the network, how many distributed computing choices out there?

Here are the choices in microsoft technology:

..NET is based on COM+, or what underlying technology it is using for
distributed communication?

HTTP (any??)

..NET (Microsoft)
COM+ (Microsoft)
SOAP (any ??)

MOM (any ??)

I guess HTTP is just the protocol, it should not belong to the
distributed computing choices?

Please comment and advise. thanks!!

Rob Schieber

When an application needs to get information from another machine over
the network, how many distributed computing choices out there?

Here are the choices in microsoft technology:

.NET is based on COM+, or what underlying technology it is using for
distributed communication?

HTTP (any??)

.NET (Microsoft)
COM+ (Microsoft)
SOAP (any ??)

MOM (any ??)

I guess HTTP is just the protocol, it should not belong to the
distributed computing choices?

Please comment and advise. thanks!!

Have you looked into Remoting? You have several options there including
binary (TCP/IP) communication; client and server activated objects.


When an application needs to get information from another machine over
the network, how many distributed computing choices out there?

Here are the choices in microsoft technology:

.NET is based on COM+, or what underlying technology it is using for
distributed communication?

HTTP (any??)

.NET (Microsoft)
COM+ (Microsoft)
SOAP (any ??)

MOM (any ??)

I guess HTTP is just the protocol, it should not belong to the
distributed computing choices?

Please comment and advise. thanks!!

You appear to be chewing on multiple critters, confusing protocols and
multiple protocol applications/implementations. Building a list this way is
going to be practically endless. Especially, if as Rob noted you start
adding raw TCP/IP to the equation, or if you start including vendor specific
CORBA or messaging applications. (Did we leave out smtp? <g>)

If this is a homework assignment, then I suggest you consult several
articles and books for an overview on client/server strategies and work your
way down from there.

If this is for an actual design for an existing problem domain, then
client/server technologies is definitely a place where OSFA does not apply.
Outlining the requirements will help you zero in on a best-case solution,
weeding out those protocols and technologies that are not as useful as you
go along.


Nick Malik [Microsoft]

First off, you need to understand what terms to use. If you are not doing
this for homework, and want to dive deep here, look at the patterns
described in this excellent book:
Enterprise Integration Patterns by Hohpe and Woolf

..Net is not based on COM+. A .Net app is free to use COM+ if it so
chooses... or not.

As far as RPC mechanisms, you can look into XML Web Services as well as .Net
Remoting. Windows Communications Foundation (Indigo) introduces an elegant
and configurable layer to handle RPC and some messaging (Queues and
EndPoints mostly) that will make EAI much more configurable.

--- Nick Malik [Microsoft]
MCSD, CFPS, Certified Scrummaster

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this forum are my own, and not
representative of my employer.
I do not answer questions on behalf of my employer. I'm just a
programmer helping programmers.

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