Displaying SQL generating results




I have a criteria form (frmCriteria) in which users select which fields
within the table they'd like to search. The code generates a SQL that is the
recordsource for the results form (frmResult). The SQL itself is built by
concatening a basic SQL (SELECT {fields} FROM {tables} INNER JOIN . . .) and
a filtered SQL (depending on which fields & data the user has selected) -

strCriteriaSQL = strBasicSQL & " WHERE " & strFilter & _
" ORDER BY tblReceipts.ReceiptKey;"

Then I have DoCmd.OpenForm "frmResults". This all works fine, I get just
the results I expect. However, the users would like the Results form to
include a display of the filters. RecordSource just displays the name of the
query - what I'd like to do is have a textbox that displays the strFilter
portion of the SQL. Can anyone offer a suggestion for the best method to
accomplish this? Thanks in advance.


You can send the contents of strCriteriaSQL to a text box in your form by
adding this after you open the form:

[forms]![frmResults]![MyTextBox] = strCriteriaSQL

<a ref="www.joshdev.com">jl5000</a>


That did the trick! Thanks again.

jl5000 said:
You can send the contents of strCriteriaSQL to a text box in your form by
adding this after you open the form:

[forms]![frmResults]![MyTextBox] = strCriteriaSQL

<a ref="www.joshdev.com">jl5000</a>

Jenny Barker said:

I have a criteria form (frmCriteria) in which users select which fields
within the table they'd like to search. The code generates a SQL that is the
recordsource for the results form (frmResult). The SQL itself is built by
concatening a basic SQL (SELECT {fields} FROM {tables} INNER JOIN . . .) and
a filtered SQL (depending on which fields & data the user has selected) -

strCriteriaSQL = strBasicSQL & " WHERE " & strFilter & _
" ORDER BY tblReceipts.ReceiptKey;"

Then I have DoCmd.OpenForm "frmResults". This all works fine, I get just
the results I expect. However, the users would like the Results form to
include a display of the filters. RecordSource just displays the name of the
query - what I'd like to do is have a textbox that displays the strFilter
portion of the SQL. Can anyone offer a suggestion for the best method to
accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

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