Displaying and editing Date Time data in a 24hr format



I understand that Microsoft uses a default mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm format
for their date time data fields. We would like to view and edit this data in
a 24hr clock ddMMMyyyy:hh:mm:ss format.

I have been able to change the display format, by modifying the Format
properties to ddmmmyyyy:hh:nn:ss. But, when I move focus to this field
(click on) it changes to the default format. Ok, this makes sense because
clicking on the field infers edit. I can modify the data in this default
format. So, I've accomplished the first requirement (display).

Now, if I set the Input Mask to !00AAA0000:00:00:00 I get two effects (1)
the field still changes to the default format on focus and (2) if I change a
value I get a dialog box error stating "The value you entered isn't
appropriate for the input mask '!00AAA0000:00:00:00;0;'. If I go to a new
record and attempt to enter data this field, which displays and input mask
_________:__:__:__ I get the error "The value you entered is not valid for
this field. For example you entered text in a numeric field or a number that
is largest than the FieldSize setting permits." What I believe I'm missing
is a method to map this input mask into the date time value. I can't find any
documentation on how access maps the default format into the Number of days
since jan 1,1899 and fractional days field value.

Any assistance you can provide in this date time field handling would be
greatly appreciated.


Sorry I wasn't clear below, everything I was refering to in the question
pertains to a form. I was able to set the form Format to ddMMMyyy:hh:nn:ss
to display but not to enter the date time data.

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