Display history in user form



I have a user form that information is entered into and then sent to a
workbook. I would like the user to have visibility of previous entrys on the
userform as the application.visible = false. What control should I use and
how would I use the .additem method to add the previous entrys to the form.


a b c
1 123456 58 username1
2 234567 68 username2
3 345678 78 username3
4 activecell

I would like the user form to display the above information, and can this be
formatted to show seperation between the cells.

Thanks in advance.

Form Problem

Hi James,

Why not use a worksheet as a form instead of an actual
user form. You can get the form to output to the cells
below on the page and then set an on activate telling it
to delete the range containing the previously entered
stuff if the date is before the current date.



or use a listbox

listbox1.ColumnCount = 3
for coun = 0 to (amount or rows to add)
listbox1.List(coun, 0) = columnone data
listbox1.List(coun, 1) = columntwo data
listbox1.List(coun, 2) = columnthree data

you can add as many columns or rows as needed.

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