Dismiss Dialog Box In Power Power with VBA



I am writing VBA code within MS Access to copy and paste power point slides
into a MS Access Table as OLE objects. If one repeats many of these, you get
a dialog box asking to you to keep this in the clip board memory. I always
want this to occur automatically with out any prompt. I know what to do this
in Excel, and Visio, and I was wondering how do I do this with power point????

MS KB articcle Q259971 said use Application.DisplayAlerts for (excel,
project, and word, and DoCmd.SetWarning False for MS Access. There was not
indication for power point.

Can someone please help.

Thank You,



This is what I am after. Thank You.

Do you know of a way when power point prompt for a responds, that I can
automatically give a yes or a or responds too???

Thank You,


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