Disconnects happening


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Two desktop PCs connect to the internet via a Netgear DGN2200 router. We don't use the wireless option, so both PCs are hard-wired (so guess we can rule out a wireless signal failure...:))

Normally, connection is very stable and trouble free, but odd cut-offs/disconnections have recently begun to occur. They mostly only last for a period of a couple of minutes or so... but obviously this can be quite a pain if I'm playing a game, or watching/listening to streaming media.

Don't know if it's a clue... but the cut off is almost guaranteed to occur, if I am already surfing/playing, then my OH comes along and attempts to begin surfing. The Internet light on the router turns red and we both lose the internet. (This has never caused a problem before. Our set-up has been this way - and stable - ever since purchasing the router - new - last year (spring or early summer, I think.)

I've checked the status of the ISP (for planned outages/maintenance, etc.,) but didn't find anything there.

(I cannot plug directly into the BT faceplate btw... we don't have one, so not an option I'm afraid.)

I have tried disconnecting the router for a few minutes, then reconnecting. Also, I've re-booted the router from the router's browser window. Doesn't seem to have had much effect though.

Anyway, I'm attaching some stats... which tbh, convey very little to me :o but might be helpful(?) Oh and as some of you will know from my previous posts, I'm using Win 7 and OH is using XP. Um... can't think of anything else to mention, but if I've left something out, no doubt one of you kind peeps will jog my memory. :)

Thanks for reading, here are the stats:



I'm literally just about to go out the door for the evening, but first thing that strikes me is your DS SNR (Last pic - noise margin) is 10.8 and it should really be, by default 6, that suggests that the DLM system has raised it to compensate the drops. I assume its still happening regardless of this?

Try the quite line test - 17070 option 2, what can you hear? :)
Hi V_R, thanks for the reply... :)

When I try the quiet line test, I hear slightly different results. In here (where the computers are,) the cordless phone seems to be quiet. But when I tried the kitchen extension (a wired phone) I could hear a distinct, albeit slight, intermittent crackle.

But it gets worse... I just happened to check the router stats again... and see that the noise margin has risen, compared to what it showed earlier:


Guessing that's not good. :(
I'm not that knowledgeable in this department but do what ED said - reset the router (usually by putting a paper clip into a little hole in the back to a concealed button), then open up router within browser and make any necessary settings, then disconnect (unplug) the wired phone and try again.
I have noticed you used Waterfox, I was having issues with that so I am back to Firefox which seems more stable. I am not sure if it will make any difference but just thought I'd chime in. :D
Another thing to try is the CONNECTION between phone socket and router. Disconnect BOTH ends of it and then reconnect. :)

I once had a similar problem to you and it seemed to be the phone socket end of the connection that was dodgy. :)
Thank you for your replies and suggestions guys, I appreciate them all.

Right now, I'm trying the "easiest" solution first (purely because I've woken with a thumpy migraine... so my thought processes will be a tad clunky until it passes...)

Quad has spotted that I'm using Waterfox... so just switched back to FF to see if it makes a difference.... Interestingly, when OH joined me just now, we didn't "lose" the internet when he opened his browser. Normally that would have zapped us and produced a red light. Could be co-incidence... but great if it solves the problem.

Will report back later :)
Hi V_R, thanks for the reply... :)

When I try the quiet line test, I hear slightly different results. In here (where the computers are,) the cordless phone seems to be quiet. But when I tried the kitchen extension (a wired phone) I could hear a distinct, albeit slight, intermittent crackle.

But it gets worse... I just happened to check the router stats again... and see that the noise margin has risen, compared to what it showed earlier:


Guessing that's not good. :(

The fact that your SNR has risen yet your sync remains the same suggests to me there is some noise on the line somewhere.

Try running router stats and see if it sheds any light - http://vwlowen.co.uk/internet/files.htm

Think for your router you will need the lite version.

I dont think you need to reset the router to factory defaults, least not yet, but a reboot wouldn't be a bad idea.

Hope your head clears up, I kind of know how you feel today. :(
The fact that your SNR has risen yet your sync remains the same suggests to me there is some noise on the line somewhere.

Try running router stats and see if it sheds any light - http://vwlowen.co.uk/internet/files.htm

Think for your router you will need the lite version.

I dont think you need to reset the router to factory defaults, least not yet, but a reboot wouldn't be a bad idea.

Hope your head clears up, I kind of know how you feel today. :(

I have just set up RouterStats - thank you for the linky - and yes, the "Lite" version seems to be fine. Later, when the stats graph has had a chance to fill-out a little more, I'll post a pic.

Oddly enough though, since switching my browser back to ordinary FF... no cut-offs have occurred. Of course, I accept that the line probably isn't the best... as I've commented in previous threads, we still have the "old tech" lozenge-shaped BT thingy, where a modern faceplate should be. :rolleyes:

Aww, sorry to hear about your sore head. I hope yours is the result of a pleasurable night out and will also soon clear. :D
Still no further cut-offs yet (hooray)... but the graph (below) is intriguing.

The spike you can see at 12.20:51 corresponds to OH closing his browser and switching off his monitor. (My own browser was still open.) As you can see, the line remained hiked.

The sudden dip occurred when I logged-in to the router to take a look at that. But once again, the graph shot back up to the higher level.



Once again, thank you for looking :)
... did he actually turn off his system ?

you really should ask BT to "repair" your socket. :)
... did he actually turn off his system ?

you really should ask BT to "repair" your socket. :)

No, the system wasn't turned off, only browser and monitor. Both our systems run 24/07... only switched off if we're going out, or there's an electrical storm etc.
Ok, I'm back with a clear head. :)

When I try the quiet line test, I hear slightly different results. In here (where the computers are,) the cordless phone seems to be quiet. But when I tried the kitchen extension (a wired phone) I could hear a distinct, albeit slight, intermittent crackle.
Sorry i missed this earlier. Can you try just the corded phone, nothing else, no router nothing. Filtered of course. :)

Oddly enough though, since switching my browser back to ordinary FF... no cut-offs have occurred. Of course, I accept that the line probably isn't the best... as I've commented in previous threads, we still have the "old tech" lozenge-shaped BT thingy, where a modern faceplate should be. :rolleyes:
It would be great if you could get that sorted, but BT will try their damnedest to charge you for it.... :/

Still no further cut-offs yet (hooray)... but the graph (below) is intriguing.

The spike you can see at 12.20:51 corresponds to OH closing his browser and switching off his monitor. (My own browser was still open.) As you can see, the line remained hiked.
Hmmm, that does look a little odd. Are all your filters working and in place? Do you had some that you can swap out to check they are working ok?

You could have a REIN fault maybe....

The REIN linky was an interesting read, which leads me to think that the "interference" is literally coming from OH's PC... because the cut offs always seem to happen when that PC's browser is opened. I know it doesn't make much sense, of course, but that is literally the only "event" which happens at precisely the same time as the cut-off. (It was captured on RouterStats, at 15:24:28 pm, when Terry opened his browser again.)

I replaced the filters last year (ADSL Nation's XF-1e) ... but maybe time to replace them again (?)

As for BT... we so loathe dealing with them. It's why we haven't bothered to get the master socket replaced tbh.
Keeping my fingers crossed, if firefox works you should continue using it not on just your rig but on Terry's rig as well.

Keeping my fingers crossed, if firefox works you should continue using it not on just your rig but on Terry's rig as well.


I had high hopes Quad... but, as I mentioned, the connection dropped again yesterday afternoon, and it's happened yet again this morning. We both are using FF.... but within a second of Terry opening his browser..... no internet. :(

The noise margin is 9.7 db this morning... so a bit lower than yesterday.
Thanks for the suggestions AB, I'm sure they probably would help a lot - but, tbh I'm a bit wary of fiddling with the wiring, mostly because my near-focus is not the best atm. (Think it's correctable, but still waiting for the eye appointment.... it's only taken a year so far... :rolleyes:)
I have those pre filtered face plates, they're great. Though mine came from ADSL Nation i think.....

The spike you can see at 12.20:51 corresponds to OH closing his browser and switching off his monitor. (My own browser was still open.) As you can see, the line remained hiked.
Sorry i'm just re reading this... So the time he had the monitor on the line was at about the 12 mark right? Then when he turned it off thats when it shot up? (12.20?)

If so then it looks, from there that the monitor is causing some kind of interference.

The sudden dip occurred when I logged-in to the router to take a look at that. But once again, the graph shot back up to the higher level.
Did the connection actually drop then? Dont worry about that if it didn't, more likely RS couldn't take a reading as you were doing something.

This may sound harsh, but can you ban him from using his PC for a day or two? Would be interesting to see if it helps....

EDIT: Speaking of faceplates.....

How brave do you feel TC!? Would you be confident in taking the front cover off the socket? I ask because as your wiring sounds rather old, it maybe worth checking the ring wire is disconnected....
To disconnect the ring wire, carefully pull the wires out of the IDC terminals numbered 3 and 4, leaving only wires 2 and 5 connected. The photograph on the right shows an NTE5 faceplate with the ringwire disconnected, and tucked out of the way.

In some cases, it is only necessary to disconnect the wire from the master socket, but it may be necessary to disconnect it from all extension sockets too, particularly if you have a "star" wired system.

Whilst you are doing this, look at where the remaining wires are connected to the IDC block. They should be neatly cut off as close to the block as possible, with no overhang or "tails" showing.

Adsl filters have their own capacitor, therefore taking the ringwire out of the loop still means that your phones will ring.
Read more: http://www.kitz.co.uk/adsl/socket.htm#ixzz2KbeamwQB