Disable Drag & Drop



I've a Win2003 SBS, I use it as a "Storage server" all my users can access to
some files, but I don't want them to copy file into their PC, that's why I
want to disable drag & drop but just for some folders, also disable the right
click, just alowed them the double click. Is there a way to do that? or
somebody have another solution?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

trentmx said:
I've a Win2003 SBS, I use it as a "Storage server" all my users can
access to some files, but I don't want them to copy file into their
PC, that's why I want to disable drag & drop but just for some
folders, also disable the right click, just alowed them the double
click. Is there a way to do that? or somebody have another solution?

You might be able to do some of what you wish with a combination of NTFS
permissions and group policy. Try posting in
microsoft.public.windows.group_policy for more help. That said, there is
really no way to prevent people who can *open* a file from copying it
somewhere. You can prevent access to removable storage (e.g., USB thumb
drives, whatnot) but you can't lock down their entire hard drives to prevent
them making copies.

What you might want in your environment are thin clients and a dedicated
Terminal Services box, so they don't have anything local to copy *to*.

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