Disable debugger! PLZ HELP!




Please can you tell me how do disable ALL the debuggers in Windows XP Pro?
If i dont, my game won't work, (Delta Force Land Warrior).




Depends, Jamie......some debug programs run via games because of:

OFP's CD copy protection mechanism, SAFEDISC2, runs some checks at startup
to ascertain whether you are attempting to monitor its protection methods
for the purpose of cracking them.

If you really are running such a debugger program, then you deserve this
message. However, there are other innocent Windows programs out there that
can trigger a similar false positive condition. OFP player Exatheon
discovered that when he terminated a Windows utility called Bomb Shelter,
the message was no longer displayed and he could finally play OFP.

So, if you come across this message on your PC and you're not out to outwit
SAFEDISC2, check to see what Windows program or utility that you're running
might be causing this error.

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