Direction of "cursor" in Excel



I have a spread sheet that is used to order supplies. There are two sheets:
Order & Items. The "Items" sheet list the item numbers, product name, qty.
The "Order" sheet allows the user to enter the item number and qty and the
product name is automatically inserted in appropriate cell. Both sheets are
protected, allowing the user, on the Order sheet, to enter item number and

With all that said, I want to know if there is a way to force the direction
of the "cursor" to move left to right when entering item number and qty?
There are a couple of sections above the order entry section in which the
cursor must move down. However, I need the cursor to change directions when
entering the item number and qty.

I know this can be done universally via the TOOLS > OPTIONS > EDIT, but I
don't want to make this a universal switch. Just need it for this one

Thanks in advance,


You can do it by using a private macro for that one sheet excusively.
Clicking the right mouse button on the sheet tab, select "show code".
That'll open the vba environment.

It'd be sth like:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
*the code here*
End Sub

And the code would check if you have just changed the specific cell, and
then make the cursor move one cell to the right and another up.

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